Logan Paul says he posted video of him in a silly hat near a corpse to draw attention to the harsh reality of suicide

You’re fifteen minutes are up, bro…go away…


I would have never heard about the idiot if it were not for BB. Not sure whether that’s good or bad. Rob’s supernumerary horror pic as a result makes it somewhat worthwhile.


Quite the highhorse for someone joking that they hoped Paul Logan would kill himself a few posts above.


Caitlin Doughty, proprietress of the "Ask a Mortician’ youtube channel, posted a video titled “Let’s Desensationalize Aokigahara.” She, most respectfully, explains that forest and what it means in Japanese culture. Her thoughtful and informative approach to the topic makes her criticism of Logan Paul’s decision to post that video quite cogent.


I have no problem admitting to the low quality of every comment I make here.

I really don’t like this characterization. We all do our jobs to make money and, hopefully, most of us do our jobs for other reasons as well. BoingBoing is basically curating content for us. That curation is done by people. That means that we are coming here to see what those people find interesting. I think that works better if those people share things that they authentically believe are interesting.

@beschizza didn’t aggrandize himself here. Some people questioned the merit of (or whether it was ethical to) share this, and he gave his take on that question. I think that probably is part of his authentic evaluation of what is worth sharing, not some dollar maximizing calculation.

It’s factually untrue that people make decisions primarily based on how much money it will make them, and I think it’s bad for all of us to think of one another that way.


If you’re going to make a post out of every single one of Donald Trump’s tweets, burps and other noises you might as well write about this piece of shit.

I can’t argue with much of that other than the last sentence. When you are doing your job, every decision you make should be about doing your job to the best of your ability. Beschizza’s job is to elicit lulz and that’s what he’s doing. Post something outrageous so we call all demonstrate our righteous outrage. I do it too.

This guy should seriously think about running for President.

In fact, I bet he has.



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Wow. It took him how long to come up with that excuse? He clearly does all his own PR.


I’m with Papasan. Just stop, Rob. It’s not like his fans are old enough to read Boing Boing anyway.

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Me too. It was intended to be self referential :metal:

He’s got a few years before he can. Heres hoping :smiling_imp:

Boing boing is a really small paramid so it’s really quite possible that this is a case @beschizza tends to post the most click baity pieces imho
I mean we have to keep the dirtbag click bait farms that monopolize the bottom of every boing boing post their promised CPM rate
I’m not saying all Rob’s posts are bad but whenever I see one that only seems to be there to drive impressions for the ad farms it seems to be his…but opinions are like…

Inasfar as this attitude is worth entertaining, this is also true of everything we write about. All you’re doing here is expressing a preference for one thing over another, and perhaps giving yourself an unnecessary headache.

Your job is drive engagement (ick) and latching on to Logan Paul makes sense in that regard.

Engagement[1] isn’t a measure we look at or are even made aware of. The audience is large enough that we get to address it as such, as a thing of a certain size that can be fed anything we please so long as it doesn’t disappear. So, when you say…

Don’t try to pretend there’s some higher purpose. This is BoingBoing ferchrisakes.

… you’re exposing a certain cynical ignorance about the nature of the business of websites, especially how editorial focus is influenced by specific advertising metrics.

1. We do use the term “engagement” in our literature to refer to events, but that is extremely old school and you’re obviously using it in the contemporary sense of people online.


“old fks”. What would be your indicator for that?

PS: I wonder about the chance of Paul’s fan-base actually frequenting BB.

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Very low but look at all the traffic it’s gotten from us eventually somebody is gonna rat us out to the youngins’.
My threshold for old f’ks is 30 and I’m way over that

Maybe he could be added to the list along with the poster just above you?


Perhaps a special purpose?

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