Logan Paul says he posted video of him in a silly hat near a corpse to draw attention to the harsh reality of suicide

I think many people make decisions Primarily based on personal profit. Cf: most politicians, most/every CEO…

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Traffic isn’t the same thing as engagement. Both have various shades of meaning within the headless chickenry of web analytics, but a specific example is social media: that’s “engagement” but not “traffic”. If your complaint is simply that my job is to drive traffic (ick!), well, that’s true inasfar as we need it to stay in business, but we don’t have specific targets. Offworld and Boing Boing Gadgets had targets (which were met) because they were going from zero to something. Boing Boing hasn’t had an explicit traffic target in years, though it has had such targets in the past.

It’s more than that, I think. There are plenty of rubbernecking posts: they’re just a youtube and a quip. Celebrity rubbernecking tends to have the classic line “Christ, what an asshole”. However, I will now inaugurate the tag, “Celebrity rubbernecking” in honor of this exchange, which I might point out is engagement, not traffic.


Some people do this. We’re encouraged by our society to think that all people do this. My opinion is that thinking everyone does this is a toxic idea that helps people who do only think of personal gain ascend to positions of power despite the fact that they are obviously very poor choices of people to give power to.

We ought to say: “That guy only thinks about himself, he shouldn’t be in charge of anything.”

Instead we say: “That guy only thinks of himself, but so does everyone else.”


Well, sometimes accounting is a bit slow posting the revenue numbers.
Looks like this stunt hit him in the wallet after all.

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For fucks sake, my newsfeed just told me this idiot was given airtime to explain and express himself in Good Morning America.

Was there someone saying in this thread BB was giving him too much attention?

Was there someone who was telling the story BB was doing it “for the clicks”?

If this guy is on national TV with apologies, BBers haven’t ranted about him enough. What a shithead.


In said interview the person asking him questions kept giving him softballs, didn’t really criticize him at all, didn’t ask him about his other inappropriate “pranks” and things he’s done. They basically just gave him a platform to give his fake apology tour and paint himself as a victim.

I didn’t even need to see the interview to get this much from the headlines Google vomited in my newsfeed.

I’m only aware of it because it was discussed on a news youtube channel i watch regularly, had Logan Paul been interviewed by an actual reporter he would have struggled to defend himself.

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