Look at these photos and videos of armed men protesting the lockdown in Michigan

I’ve heard ad infinitum, “There ain’t no cure for stupid”. Because of folks like this, I think the homily may be changed to “COVID-19, the cure for stupid”.


Ok. Got it. Having grown up in a pretty rural area, I thought I was fairly familiar with gun stuff, but that is apparently no longer the case.


Glad to be of service! :grin:


The line between libertarian and raging murderous sociopath is non-existent.


I agree. Interesting the maga protesters block traffic with their cars. When liberals were blocking traffic with their bodies a couple years ago several places passed anti-protesting laws that protected drivers if they hit a protester with their car. I didn’t agree with blocking traffic when we liberals did it as well for the same reason. Ambulance blocked by traffic, blocked by protesters, means someone might arrive at the hospital DOA. I understand protesting in general requires inconveniencing people but it shouldn’t mean risking people lives.


While it should have still been easy to arrest these idiots based on license plates, it is convenient that they took Idiot Yearbook photos so that the State Troopers can confirm identities to go with the vehicle plates.


Lets see how brave they are about not getting sick when they are locked up (if any are arrested).


Yes, Sparrow Hospital is just a couple of blocks east of the Michigan Capitol. It is the only Level 1 Trauma Center in the region. Multiple ambulances were caught in the traffic jam, but it seems unlikely the organizers intended this. Their whole schtick is being deliberately indifferent to the ways in which doing whatever you want whenever you want might kill other people so who knows?

What you don’t see in these pictures is the vocal support not just from fringe figures but from the Michigan GOP and the Republican Speaker of the House, who was there cheering them on and waving flags out his office window. Also not pictured-- funding for these groups from the DeVos family.


To be fair, the BLM protests were not in the middle of a pandemic, and as far as I know, they were not incidents of that happening.

In addition, they are not protesting to end system discrimination, but literally so they can go about their lives, no matter who they make ill. They want the right to kill others. I don’t think this is a both sides issue.


They just didn’t care if it was an outcome. Because they don’t care if people who aren’t themselves die.

The whole party has become a death cult.


“I was going to disagree with your demands but then I saw your guns and realized your argument was perfectly reasonable.”



it’s such a funny statement anyway. everybody dies eventually. “and” would really make more sense.

i think it’s supposed to be shorthand for “i’m willing to die to protect my intrinsic rights as a person” but then in this case their freedom of movement and association is actually killing other people, while the restrictions kill… wealth?

presumably though it has nothing to do with covid, and everything to do with white separatism. which is doubly ironic because white freedom was built on black slavery.

so then it would be “i will live free so you can die sooner” which sounds about right i guess.



Because they value wealth more than the lives of people of color or “libtards” or LBGQT+ people, or the working poor… etc, etc, etc.


“I’m so angry about making sure people don’t get sick and die that I’m willing to kill anyone who tries to stop me!” is definitely the most mature and reasonable method for handling this situation.


Yes plenty of differences in both context and intent between the two groups.

I support BLM but but was always iffy on the technique of causing traffic jams. I do understand if BLM protested in the middle of nowhere that it would have not been effective. So how does one balance being heard while not endangering random people having a medical emergency. Maybe that never happened because they planned better than the shit show yesterday. To be clear I don’t recall every hearing about any BLM protesting impacting anyone in this same way.


One more bit of info for clarity, Kevlar bullet proof vests like what cops wear will stop handgun bullets only. Plate carriers hold a hardened steel or ceramic plate that will actually stop rifle rounds. It is generally used by the military, as they are too heavy to be used by cops and they usually are getting shot at by handguns. (SWAT teams may be an exception.)

I never heard of anyone owning these until after we started up the Iraq war. I don’t know anyone who owns one, AFAIK. They aren’t that pricey but really not very practical to be used in the US other than maybe a trainer who is more likely to have an accident by a neophyte. In my observation it’s former military and people doing tactical training type shooting.


Which I don’t remember hearing about in this case…

Most likely.


Unfortunately, probably not. From what I can tell in the photo, it’s an aggregate of mostly 30-40 something males. Not zero risk, but hardly the most at risk group. The problem is that these dipshits will bring the virus home to others who are more at risk and less deserving. If only stupid people could die from COVID-19, I’d be quite tempted to open everything up, too.


There is a scene in The Sopranos where the Tony is impressed by the stoicism of the one-legged Russian woman he hires to do housework. She says to him something like “You Americans, you have everything, and you’re always complaining and unhappy.”

I think of my uncles growing up during the Great Depression, and having to deal with shortages, rationing and curfews during WW2. Imagine that today.

There is no solution that these protestors will like. It’s still early in the pandemic. Right now they’re angry about business (and I understand that), but in a few months they’ll be angry that they’re horribly sick, that public parks are being used for mass graves, and that they can’t go to the emergency room for a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the foot.

Mother Nature is Mother Nature, you can’t demand that a volcano not erupt or a tornado not sweep through town. The virus is here, it will run its course, and we can slow it down or let it run rampant and overwhelm us, but it’s not going to just go away.

And at the end of the day, the protestors can’t force people to go out shopping or hang out in crowded bars and theaters (although I could see them trying, oblivious to the irony.)


Since when does the 2nd amendment mean that a group of assholes can take their guns down to city hall and threaten everyone? It’s absolutely unacceptable behavior. Why doesn’t the government call the National Guard and make them go away? If they refuse, fight it out.

Casualties will be massive for the protesters and light for the Guard. Lots of martyrs - but the martyrs will be dead. The rest will think twice about doing it again.

Give them a “whiff of grapeshot” and see what happens.