I know a lot of people who have guns, and I don’t think I know anyone who has one of those either.
I guess you have to be really special.
It’s difficult to know what a person’s true motivations are, especially if they are not being honest with themselves. But what you hear in most of these interviews is that people are mad that they can’t 1) get their hair done 2) go motorboating 3) golf 4) hire someone else to mow the lawn 5) buy plants and seeds in person. It was snowing on them at the time and the current order ends before lower Michigan’s frost date, so it’s hard to take that all at face value. Seems likely that the real objection is to having to consider the effects of one’s actions on others and take orders from a woman.
Not to mention some incredibly warped priorities. One woman early on in the video seemed more concerned about having the freedom to have her roots touched up at the hairdresser than about public health OR the economy.
Yeah! Did you see those roots!?!
The Michigan Capitol and legislative office buildings allow open and concealed carry of guns. You could have gone in today to watch legislative session from the balcony with your gun. Legislators have dropped guns on the legislative floor, left them behind in committee rooms, and brought them to the governor’s State of the State address. No signs allowed inside the Capitol, though, because they are disruptive and might damage the paintwork.
That’s because these people are cowards who aren’t willing to water the Tree of Liberty with their own blood.
My favorite “protest” sign in the YT video at the top of the post reads:
As though capitalizing the T’s somehow brings the spirit of Trump into the mix.
This was written about this incident specifically, but the idea has broad application these days:
Whereas they’re soon to be a bunch of plague carriers.
Fine. Have your death cult. Can we now find out who was there and make them quarantine at the houses of billionaires and GOP politicians? And no, you don’t get hospital admittance because you lost your right.
Trying to take care of all the problems at once.
As if we needed more groups calling themselves MRA. Talk about your wink wink nudge nudge.
Man, you guys really have more than just your fair share of crazies.
true presumably for people at the top of the wealth pyramid, not so sure about the people decked out in guns and ammo
yelling about government and immigrants while shooting things and drinking shitty beer – it’s a huge part of their lives and their identity… propped up by their sunday rituals, american tv, movie, and game tropes, fox news, et al.
it almost seems like a virus itself
TYRAny Michigan!!
bosses and landlords can force people back to work, though.
by mandating that businesses shutdown – government has equalized the playing field a bit so that people can take care of themselves and their neighbors properly.
the moment you lift that, there will be businesses which open up – often the owners aren’t the ones working the kitchen or floor – and the pressure to return to work to pay the bills, the rent, etc. will force people back. whether it’s safe or not.
[ this is presumably why the republicans blocked mandatory pto. paid time off gives workers power to make their own decisions at the expense of business owners. ]
This is just a SMALL preview of what these folks have in store come November thanks to lil don trump and his boss Vlad. We ain’t seen nothing …yet.
Well, they are definitely losers - the flag fits.
I don’t doubt employers will try to force people back to work, and may succeed with some industries. But if demand is reduced (conservatively) 20%, how many will be able to justify the costs of staying open? Not going to be nearly as many people going to bars and shopping for new houses and taking yoga classes. And that’s before deaths start to spike again in about 3-4 weeks…