Now that you mention it, I have yet to see a 42-state comparison of what kinds of places are closed, vs what’s allowed to stay open. The worst example that I’ve seen is bicycle shops closed as non-essential, while auto shops are allowed open. (New York, i think?)
As a life-long resident of Michigan, I would like to apologize the the rest of the world for this embarrassing display. The good news? A lot of villages where without their idiots for a few hours yesterday, which is nice.
The best explanation I can offer is that without so many commercial flights overhead the tranquilizer-heavy chem-trails usually used to keep us complacent are lacking, and then this kind of thing results. Sorry.
'Tis bruited about that those twits and their ilk have one thing in common with the Yellow Fellow-- bone spurs! That reminds me of that maxim “Turds full of blather, stick together” er! or was that “birds”?
These pictures are making me seriously reconsider my intention to regrow my beard when this is all over. (Currently shaved as facial hair reduces the effectiveness of a mask and I am a front line worker).
Love all those tacti-cool paunches.
Yeah, funny how much overlap there is between the people who collect firearms to protect themselves in the even of total societal collapse and the people who can’t seem to figure out how to survive if their favorite bar has to shut down for a few weeks.
Oh, that’s an easy one: the governor is a woman. They do not like having women or people of color in positions of authority and always resort to violence and threats.
If you carry a gun in public like these people, they are loudly announcing they are compensating for something…
Once again, the group that goes on and on about the American pioneering spirit show that they’ve really only ever been about playing dress up.
Natural selection just seems so unfair without some people volunteering to be selected.
Like Anne Frank, I’d like to believe that’s true.
However, my Inner Cynic, who’s been around a lot longer, sincerely believes that anyone who still supports Trump, for any reason, is complicit in his crimes. This belief dates back at least as far as when he started putting children in cages.
The south shall rise again! All the way to the Canadian border it seems.
Raising two girls here. Dates back farther than that. IDGAF how many tic-tacs you chug before assaulting a female. It should still land you in prison.
The various Confederate orgs after the war saw to it to put a memorial pretty much wherever a Confederate soldier eventually died. IIRC there are actually more IN the North than the South.
If there ends up being on in Canada, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Liquor stores open (even though ancohol consumption can depress immune function) while [fill in the blank] is ordered closed.
I see them “proudly” displayed all over OR and WA…not in the valley so much, but east of the Cascades for sure.
Sickening. Disgusting. Sad.
until fox news starts saying it’s unamerican to stay home maybe. there’s certainly a protests worth of people willing to be out and about. more, if it’s normalized by lifting restrictions
it feels similar to smoking bans. few places could afford to lose customers by optionally barring smoking. it needed to be across the board. now, everyone is used to not being able to smoke inside. and fewer waitstaff have to worry about choosing between a job and their lungs.
not that waitstaff are working now mind you…
Those are probably being worn to cover their faces and legally hide their identity. There are some dedicated folks that take these photos, and find the alt-right nazi dudes and figure out what they are up to. Those folks risk a lot to dig up what these assholes are doing.
And not a damned millimetre farther.
54’40” or fight!