My state is too often frightening and embarrassing.
Well, I was thinkin’ it was just like the Boy Scouts …without the buggery … but what I know?
Yes (and to make the opposite point of comedian Jeff Caldwell’s original joke) the south prevailed by their use of automatic weapons.
It’s a bummer that the “Don’t tread on me” flag got usurped by idiots. It’s a nice design. I want to get a bumper sticker without the rattle tail that says “I like snakes” or “My girls love their pet python”.
But then again, I don’t want to get shot or my car vandalized so…
And that’s the local Farmer’s Market where they are staging their doofus protest.
I am stunned with non-amazement!
I wonder how many of these protestors were “working from home” while they were busy demonstrating?
So they can feel like bunch of big manly men swaggering around with their metal metaphorical dicks out; not in a Gay way, of course, oh so not Gay. No, siree, bob.
It figures that would feed into the narrative that the perfect should be the enemy of the good, and that short-term individual liberty and security should somehow trump long-term societal liberty and security in situations such as these. is part of the reason these Michigan militia types can’t reason properly in the first place.
ETA:’s supposedly thoughtful and well-reasoned research apparently begins and ends at Pamela Gellar’s twitter feed:
I’ve always liked the idea of “JOIN OR DIE” as a salve to “DON’T TREAD ON ME”. Maybe we can start a radical left-wing movement centered around that.
Brilliant. I love it.
Fist bump from a fellow snake-parent (corn snake).
Already been done, and I’m pretty certain the jpg has been posted here at the BBS, but heaven knows how to find it!
Be careful. Some of us lib-libs in New England are eyeing the real estate up there…
If you’re a contractor, that $50,000 truck is tax-free.