Making, Crafting, Creating... aka Whatcha workin' on?

Yeah, that tree’s dead, I’m afraid. Wonder if it’s a nutrient they’re looking for.


She did that tree on Wednesday. Did another like it, but only about 70% the way around it, on Thursday. Friday morning after breakfast they stayed in their stalls until I was done driving T posts. My partner says the other one will probably live, whereas I just run around shouting “No!” until I get the new section of fence lit up like a chri— uhh, like a fully functioning equine deterrence array.


If you have a few rolls of aluminum foil, and if you have these ingredients, I can vouch that this works, as long as the tree [bark] is not girdled 360°:

Wrap the trunk with one layer of aluminum foil after you’ve slathered it with the tree trunk goop.

Then wrap the trunk carefully in several layers of welded wire fence around the trunk to keep off the critters, and stake the fence so it doesn’t bang against the wounded, wrapped trunk.

Or cut the tree flush with the ground while it’s still got food and energy stored in its roots, and see if it’ll come back from the roots. Will still need to cage it (with stakes) until it gets higher than the equine browse line.


The eating of “free choice” plants by livestock often means something lacking in diet. Assuming there’s a mineral block in the paddock / corral, and they have hay or alfalfa (depending on the age of the animal, sometimes alfalfa is not great for older hooved stock), I’d be calling the vet to see what’s needed on their daily menu.


Created a 2020 effigy to burn on New year’s eve. Maybe we will inscribe all the bad things of 2020 on it before burning it.


I wonder if this stuff would work on sapsucker holes



If you do it, please let us know how the experiment goes, and if there are any results worth repeating over here.

Trees don’t mind a hole or three. I have pecans here 3- and 4-stories tall that have tons of holes on them.


Right, but these birds don’t make just a hole or three. They peck rows of holes, sometimes encircling the tree. Might be worth a shot



Thanks so much, we figured there was something like this to be done, but hadn’t gotten as far as researching it yet. First, second, and third orders of business were to stop the damage and prevent further damage. Which of course only takes a moment when the teething puppies weigh half a ton each, because you can easily buy a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Baby Gates on this timeline, right? Oh.

The very first thought each of us had was nutritional. But protecting the rest of the trees came first. And, perhaps not coincidentally, we had changed her diet that same day. She had been getting orchard grass for hay, and we started mixing in alfalfa, very much at her request. But so far, she hasn’t plunged her way into the little park I built around the trees, and it’s been a few days since I started this response.

Pictured here is the first version of the new park. Things continue to be upgraded at a furious pace due to the recent and persistent shenanigans of the other white horse. I ain’t got time for this shit, but I do got an overspecced fence charger and a very strong desire not to wake up to even more hoofprints in the mud.

And now, 24+ hours after those last two paragraphs, I have spent the previous two days, from morning to bedtime, reworking both the fence and its electrification to add a third line of energized poly tape, as well as to energize the bottom line of the new inset park. Because the aforementioned other horse has figured out that if you just get a running start, it only hurts for a moment then you’re FREE!!! to graze all the green grass that isn’t ours.

I may have only logged 45,000 steps the past three days, but man, doing that in thick mud is almost like standing still in heavy surf. I feel like I have done ALL the miles. And oh look, a chicken outside the fence, way off in the gray, rainy distance. BRB…

ETA: Oh yeah, got electromacuted yesterday, just about as thoroughly as one can with a solar powered fence charger: through heavy leather gloves, both hands. Left me feeling funny somewhere south of the lungs for about ten minutes afterwards. Do not recommend, do not congratulate.


Our kid loves mermaids and now has a costume. She was sad her friend Yuki didn’t have a mermaid tail (technically mercat tail). Scrap fabric, elastic, thread, and hour conjured a tail. The child is well pleased. I have a policy of no child pics on the internet. So you’ll have to settle for just Yuki instead of the adorable pic with them both.



So long 2020!


My wife lets our two young kids play with her childhood tea set, but I get too nervous to let them when I’m in charge of playtime, so I’ve started making an alternate set. The pot is a little less than an inch (2.5cm) tall

Aluminim foil structure with sculpey


Not exactly a “craft” but I had a watercolor I painted a couple years ago that Mr. Linkey is especially fond of put onto coffee mugs for Christmas:


Since I have another semester of online teaching in front of me I decided to take the time to revamp my zoom setup a bit.


I’m getting tired of all those other dads showing me up by building back yard roller coasters and the like. So I’m working on a ride of my own. The vehicle is still just a prototype and the final version won’t have a leaf blower for propulsion, but it’s coming along:


I’ve just finished a new song called ‘I see your light on’ and someone on FB suggested sharing it on Boing Boing :slight_smile:

I recorded it in my basement using Audacity because I don’t really know how to use a DAW yet. It’s basically just a broom, a kick drum and samples played with a keyboard. (I sent it to be mixed and mastered though, that’s way out of my skill set.)

… aand I just tried to include a link to it, but I don’t think I can post links yet because I’m new.

So, I guess if anyone would like to hear it, I’m on Facebook and my personal profile is public- it’s the second newest post. ( I think I’m the only Krista Acheson on FB so I’m pretty easy to find. :relaxed:)


hello and welcome, Krista!
welcome aboard!
know any sea shanties?


Be careful, because according to BB terms of service just by including a link to your song you give them rights to do anything they want with it. “Anything” may mean a lot of things, for example in the future rights could be sold to a company that will upload your song to copyright filters and prevent you from using it at all.

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I’m pretty sure that’s not exactly how it works. Can we get a clarification from @moderators or @admins, please?