Man angrily throws 13 foot python at sushi diners

Poor snake. I hope the guy was cited for animal abuse and abandonment. If my daughter had been there, she would have bitten the man, injected venom in his mouth, and then saved the snake.


A python’s not going to do anything to anyone. I’d be more worried for it than about it.

People are stupid, so somebody probably would’ve stepped on the poor thing.

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Goddamit. Beat me to it.

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You’ve got to be concerned about a dude who hangs out in parking lots, showing kids his python.

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Is it wrong that my first thought was “Oh, Florida again.” when I read the headline? Imagen my dissapointment when it was just LA.

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As others have noted, not likely “tame” (especially after being “thrown”), and reptile bites, even of the non venomous type can be pretty nasty as far as bacteria go.

I’d be a bit more concerned about the fun stuff that it’s carrying in it’s GI tract, and the ramifications of what happens when a scared 13 foot snake decides that it’s “fight or flight” time and lets loose from its cloaca. Reptile excreta is not something you really want to expose any restaurant to, but especially one that specializes in serving raw fish…

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He should have claimed the first snake was a service animal, like everyone who wants to bring their yappy purse dog someplace it’s not allowed to be.

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He’s probably a little gritty by now, yes?

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The jerky, the tooth, the dog, the floss, the shit, the molars, or the Rattlesnake?

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Totally appropriate response to those reactionaries trying to tread on his rights!


I ate it a couple of times in my teens, I don’t recall it having much of a flavor at all actually - though more often than not I had some sort of condiment which completely dominated its flavor. Save those katsup packets for your campfire rattlesnake kids!

Memory says it was kinda like bland bobble gum. Like getting a piece of fat - more gristle really - but without picking up any of the surrounding flavor. Lots of chewing, little by way of reward, save for the satiety.

but snakes don’t have arms!

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If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.

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If you’re not angry enough to throw a 13 foot python at sushi diners, you haven’t been paying attention.

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Monty’s Flying Python Circus?


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