Originally published at: Man attacks TV reporter in Gulfport, then goes on the run | Boing Boing
Seems like a reasonable person to me
Speaking of which, why did a guy from northeast Ohio go all the way down to the Gulf to assault some random reporter?
Random, perhaps, but I get the feeling that this gentleman’s choice of which reporter to assault wasn’t completely random.
Do they have any video of the assault, that would help in the prosecution of the white man attacking the black man. /s
Run, Forrest, run:
They’re still gonna catch your ass.
I don’t think he’s too welcome in Ohio these days.
The crime took place at Cleveland Plating, a business Dagley once owned.
According to police, Dagley’s drilling holes into the tanks of sodium cyanide, hydrochloric acid, yellow chromate, ferrous chloride, and sulfuric acid risked a potential environmental disaster.
Thoughts and prayers to the entire family of Dagleys.
It’s not entirely clear whether or not he’s running a business in Ohio any more. If you follow the links to the cleveland.com article, the current owners of Cleveland Plating had been trying to get a restraining order against him. He’d already broken in and put locks on all the doors, and assaulted an employee in another incident.
It looks like he owned the property and had run a business out of that location at one point, but was obviously feuding with Cleveland Plating over the lease–clearly in a constructive and healthy fashion.
The drilling episode gets better; two of the tanks he drilled into contained sodium cyanide and hydrochloric acid. Considering one of the products of that reaction is hydrogen cyanide gas, it’s a wonder he didn’t kill somebody, and I’m sure that cost the current owners a pretty penny to clean up.
The article is a bit ambiguous, but I believe it was his ex-business…it mentions he “broke into” it.
Also, this gentleman has a very passing resemblance to Dan Aykroyd (apologies, Mr. Aykroyd).
As a former Ohioan, there are plenty of Black people to attack in Ohio. Still doesn’t explain why the fuck he was on the Gulf Coast.
I saw this on Twitter:
Officials in Washington State Attacked While Trying to Remove Murder Hornet Nest
And my first thought was: Who was attacking them, anti-vaxers, crazy wypepo, horse gel zombies?
Give him a MyPillow to hug to sleep and he’ll be ok.
What the fuck was he ranting about?
Glad the reporter and camera man were ok.
Capitalism is a helluva drug…
The fragments I caught, it sounded like he was demanding they “report the news accurately”. So I think this was a classic Trump “all news is fake” Qnut-type assault.
What, he doesn’t think it was a hurricane?
“It was Jewish space fans! They’re in it with the Martians!”
“They’re reporting in the South, must be Covid LIES”
The guy’s on a mission. I’ve never seen such a determined waddle in my life.
I’ve been seeing quite a bit online along the lines of “you shouldn’t be reporting this, you should be talking about Afghanistan (and Biden).”