Man with "I Eat A**" bumper sticker charged with possession of obscene material

The deputy arrested Webb and was charged with “obscene writing on vehicles and resisting an officer without violence.”

Wait, the deputy was charged? That was an unexpected plot twist! I love a happy ending. (Though I won’t display a bumper sticker to that effect.)


First for everything, ya know.

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Roger that!

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My friend used to have coloured magnetic letters on her fridge that we all used to write dumb rude messages with until one day before school Mum-Senses kicked in and she checked her daughter’s backpack and found a note, a perfect colour copy of the message we had created over the last week.
We all learned that “Smelly Penny stinky fingered my monkeys jizz hole” was inappropriate, even though it used all the technicolour letters.


We prefer the EIT Ass Flavor Scale here. Makes getting a CE mark a lot simpler.


It’s The American Way.


Is ass eating more publicly promoted in other countries? They should put that on their tourist promotions.

Though yes, the US is more uptight about sexual stuff and vulgarity.

Like I said, I 'm not for the codification and declaration that the bumper sticker is obscene. Nor do I have a problem with one not feeling it is a big deal.

But I do have a problem with the hand waving dismissal that one should simply explain it with one’s kids and the only person who could possibly have an issue with it are mindless bible thumping conservatives.

I suppose rights wise, that could be argued for. But from a “we all live in the same community; what is appropriate” angle, people tend to support “mah rights” only up to the point they become offended or turned off by something. Just because something is and should be legal, doesn’t mean it’s not bad taste and (un)common sense would lead one to limit where it was used.

With all the examples of truck nuts, that is like natures way of showing the owner has no couth or taste.


I would explain it thusly: “Brrr, that man is the Ass Monster. And if you don’t keep your room clean and finish all of your vegetables, he will come and eat your ass. And if you think a spanking hurts, imagine a monster actually taking bites out of your tushy. So you better be good.”
Or if your kid has access to the internet, he or she could explain it correctly to you in two seconds.


This is basically admitting “We hate you because you didn’t kowtow sufficiently.”


While it’s a nice thing to be considerate of parents and their kids, I wasn’t aware it’s flat-out illegal not to. Does it go the other way? Can I get a parent fined or thrown in jail next time their obnoxious kid screams in a restaurant or movie theater?


Many years ago, leafing through an auto enthusiast magazine, I noticed a feature showing photos of unusual vanity plates. One of the plates caught my eye: GR8TUSH

Much later I happened to see the GR8TUSH plates in our company’s rec center parking lot… on the car of a gal I knew from work. (!!!) I told her about the magazine featuring her plates. She explained that they were the result of her boyfriend telling her (and everyone else) over and over again of what a great tush she had. No argument here.


That’s why I always loved Flea’s Fear sticker over the Mercedes symbol on his car.


Don’t you have to explain uncomfortable things on a semi-regular basis, though? I know I do. It isn’t exactly fun, but at least you get to express some opinions.


Yeah, that’s the job. Like most recently “What is a porn star?” from a quip from a usually pretty clean youtuber we watch together. Explaining what “I eat ass” means wouldn’t be the end of the world.

And I am by no means some prude, I cuss more than the average person. But I try to curb it around young people. Like, I own guns and a shirt that says, “Fuck you, you fucking fuck.” and I don’t wear either one out in public because it will rile some people up. I could say, “It’s mah rights, suck it up, butter cup.” But I try to be considerate of other people.


Only in the afterlife, if you appeal to your dear and fluffy lord.

tumblr_mceh51SBsu1rnnm3no1_400 firefly sheperd GIF

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You’ll never get past the hoard of people pointing and laughing at you for welding a hitch to a Prius.

Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to remove one of the letters from that word.

he’s got some competition, maybe Mr. Popo is a very concerned species conservationist?

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