Marco Rubio melts down on Twitter


I’m more of a fan of the hyper-defensive types who don’t realize what they’re saying.



Hunter S Thompson

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Could @Moerae1 please become a guest editor of BoingBoing? Or at least commentator?


Oh, I dunno - given that his stance is that he’s planning to be private citizen, I thought the re-use of the overwrought phrase “betwixt and between” in the context of what his next workout routine would be (as a private citizen) was mildly amusing. I took it not as a meltdown but just a dude with a big following trying his hand at a cheesy dad joke.

To say I despise the man’s politics would be an understatement, but this one? Meh…


Don’t forget “blasts”. Not so long ago hardly a day went by without Jon Stewart having “blasted” someone or another.

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No, I mean I thought the referring to himself in the third person was nutty (as well as discussing what he might be doing at the gym). But then I looked at his page and saw it in context, it made more sense. Yeah, not much of a meltdown, really.

Wonder what he’s going to do as a private citizen. Babyfaced right wing jerk . . . hmmmm . . . maybe he can go hang out with Ralph Reed.

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For the record, I do love them. “Academic snootiness” is the way poorly educated people say “well educated.”

This says far more about you than them.


Hyperbole is the word you were looking for. Hyperbole.

And it only works if it’s beyond any shade of a doubt clear to the audience that hyperbole is what you’re attempting. Otherwise it’s sending all sorts of mixed signals.

That aside: what on earth are you on about?



I’d pay good money for that kind of entertainment.


What doctor would that be?

I’m still trying to figure out what word he was looking for when he said “Oh no was my oxymoronic comment redundant”. Maybe he was looking for the word “moronic”?


Wait, I can do a half-hearted defence of Rubio and mean it (and I’m not new here). By the time he left the primary, he was the best republican candidate left. Once the republican primary became a three man race, many’s the time when I thought to myself “Marco Rubio was way less scary than these guys”


I knew things were bad when I found myself thinking how good Romney was.


The song Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah?


In some ways he is less scary, but how much of that is his style and how much is his substance? He definitely has better manners and is less likely to behave like a braying jackass on camera, but is he more accepting of human beings unlike himself? Is he any less likely to start a war as an exercise in dick-swinging? Does he accept that women are full-fledged human beings? We may never really know, but my gut instinct is that deep down, Rubio is not that good of a person. He’s just more polite.


Looking, sounding and behaving like a president covers quite a lot of what makes a good president, though. Especially when it comes to foreign relations. That’s a good part of the reason why the rest of the world finds Trump so appalling. Put a solid team of advisors and speechwriters behind somebody who appears sufficiently statesmanlike and you’ve got a decent president, but there’s no helping it if you elect a clown.


The doctor of journalism, Hunter S. Thompson (since no one has bothered to answer your question). Self-doctored (“Dr. Gonzo”) since he never even went to college, IIRC. :slight_smile:


No I used the exact word I was looking for but thank you for the completely unnecessary and unwanted correction. I’m sure you are just blast at parties. If you don’t think that the media as in Fox News, MSNBC, NYT WAPO etc., is having a polarizing effect on American society, I don’t know what to tell you, maybe try to get out more, leave the rock you live under. “The media is corrupt 99% of what they report is spin to manipulate the masses and keep us divided.” Really, you can’t tell that the 99% was arbitrary number? How often does what we quantify using statistical percentages make it the 99% accuracy range?