Marjorie Taylor Greene desperately wants Ukraine to surrender



I am pleasd that she has identified the troublemaking politicians in the Ukraine theater as OBAMA and BIDEN.

I don’t think anyone has publicly blamed Obama in days!

Not Putin, who invaded the country because his ego demanded it, or Trump, who withheld defense spending support in an attempt to smear Biden.

Maybe Lindsey Graham should focus his ire on her, not on putin?


That’s not her job, but I suspect it is what she gets paid for.


Remember when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and all the Republicans kept begging the Mujahideen to surrender and accept their inevitable defeat in the face of the superior Russian war machine?

Me neither.


Yes, but those were godless communists who were planning to do things like send women to schools. Putin is a strong leader who is fighting unholy menaces like being half-decent to LGBT people. So it’s very different.


MTG in 1775:

“The English war machine is just superior to what you guys have. You just give up, you can’t win you know.”

If we did things her way, whatever country declared war would be automatically the winner. The first country to say “Whole world, we declare war” would be the one-world power.

In short, she has the foreign policy knowledge of a turnip. Wait, that’s offensive, she’s from Georgia, so it should be a peach.


She sounds surprisingly pacifist here. Despite managing to blame Biden for all the killing that Putin’s troops are doing in the Ukraine, I don’t think that this message will resonate with her base. To put it bluntly, Ukrainians are too white for “fuck them and their freedom,” to be all that popular with the Trumpist wing of the GOP.


Well, she’d prefer that “real” Americans spend their time and efforts slaughtering the “wrong” Americans, so…


“A war they can’t possibly win.”

Check yourself, idiot; they won this war on the first day. It’s just going to take Putin a long time to realize it.

That’s just a self-aggrandizing way of saying “I posted a YouTube video”.


With a few simple substitutions her logic checks out:
• “Ukraine” →"The Trump Campaign"
• “Zelenskyy” → “Trump”
• “Ukrainians” →"Trump Supporters"
… and so on.


I wonder where her speech got translated from Russian to English. In Moskow, or the RNC headquarters.


I knew I’d be pissed off listening to her, but man, my rage is incandescent right now. The woman is a moral and intellectual black hole - not one particle of intelligence or decency ever escapes from her.

At least assholes serve a vital function, which is more than can be said about EmptyGee. The best you can say about her is that one day she’ll be reduced to her constituent elements and they could be useful.


I would argue that’ she’s probably right in that. I think that the Ukrainians and the Russians will lose this war. The Ukrainians probably need to inflict more casualties to convince Putin to accept some sort of face-saving end short of his stated goals. NATO has probably gotten a marginal victory already, though. The Ukrainians have made Putin pay a high enough cost without the losses of NATO lives and territory to make him think twice about invading NATO. They just might yet be able to secure the continued existence of an independent Ukraine. Or they might collapse under renewed Russian assault. Somewhere between the extremes, is a negotiated settlement like the one Finland achieved after WWII, where they were free to run their own internal economy and society, but were forced to be neutral in foreign affairs. Either way, most of the cost in blood and destruction is being paid by Ukrainians. Maximalist declarations of what the acceptable end state is just might create more suffering that prevent people from accepting a less than total result at the bargaining table. “Unconditional surrender,” requires “Total victory,” and may not be worth the cost.

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You’re right, but…

is Putin’s stated goal (per conversations with Macron). He will never achieve that.

Edited for clarity.


Absolutely. Sadly, it is going to require considerably more blood for him to realize that. We have certainly gotten to the point where he can’t “win,” the occupation. And the fact that he has surrounded himself with “yes-men,” whose primary skill is telling him what he wants to hear will make it even difficult for him to realize that fact.


Did—did anyone else see her soul (or the soul that possesses her) peeking/seeping out from just above her sternum?


Why do I feel like MTG is just on Putin’s payroll? I’m not pro-war by any means but I’m the inclination that if you don’t want shit then don’t start shit. The Ukrainians have a fundamental right to self determination which includes self-defense. If the anti-semite from Georgia can’t deal with that fact then she can kindly STFU.


And that little phuckin’ gold cross around her neck in the video screenshot…


What she doesn’t get, is that Putin will not stop with Ukraine. If he succeeds, he’ll be moving on to Moldova and Georgia. God help us all.


You didn’t even tear up a little at her eloquence invoking “suff’rin’ ‘n’ death”?