Marjorie Taylor Greene disavows potential violence ahead of Trump rally, blames others

They must have seen a different speech


Sorry for posting her rants but she is seriously effed up. Jesus, he’s like Jesus.

“President Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested, served time in prison. Jesus! Jesus was arrested and murdered by the Roman government, There have been many people throughout history that have been arrested and persecuted by radical corrupt governments, and it’s beginning today in New York City. And I just can’t believe it’s happening, but I’ll always support him.”


“New York City looks a lot like the fictional city that was explicitly created as a stand-in for New York City”? What an astute observation, Marge. Maybe you should have your own column in Architectural Digest.


Hanging out with sex workers doesn’t automatically make someone Christ-like.


Does she know what communism is?



No Way Do Not Want GIF by Schitt's Creek


So it appears she’s either in trump’s plane or right behind him on the way to Florida.

I voted for representatives to represent me, my state, and our interests. Didn’t Marge get elected to do the same for her state?

Seems her only interest is protecting her man.


Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

it’s all a grift… she decided to run in a district that has a sizable chunk of the population who will solidly line up behind the GOP candidate, as well as a history of white supremacist activities and voter suppression, and ran far to the right to gain the far right element up there. She is using her position to fund-raise and get power for herself. She only moved there after she won, and she does not give two shits about the welfare of the people in that district, which has a rather high poverty rate, and lacks in many basics that should could be helping them get. She moved from another district that is now purple to up there just because she knew she’d win there without having to do any real work.


That’s beautiful. Warning her off like the naughty child she’s threatening to be.

like the Central Park Five!


BOTH of them?
Shit, that’ll be carnage…

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She couldn’t find a Landscape Gardener?

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Spiritual Batmen and Batwomen went after MTGoker:


Apparently, Trump supporters are scared of whistles.

BRIAN GLENN: Does it surprise you that there’s not more? I mean, you have George Santos earlier, but why aren’t more elected members of Congress, Senate, state representatives here in support of the president? Why is it someone from northwest Georgia, in Congressional District 14, now, you are one of the firebrands of the party, but why don’t we see anyone else here?

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: I don’t really know. And I think it always starts like this. It’s a few that stand up. I would love to see more people stand up against this. But we are gathering tonight at Mar-a-Lago. When President Trump comes back home and we are all joining him there to support him and what he’s going through and everything that’s going to happen today, and I’m really thankful for that. I’m thankful for my colleagues and others that are coming to Mar-a-Lago tonight.

BRIAN GLENN: Perhaps they know how hard it is to get out there.

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: Yeah, they don’t, they don’t want to be the victims of Antifa like we just were standing here in the park! They don’t want the whistles in their ear!


Is she getting nervous?


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