Marjorie Taylor Greene flaunts her intolerance by hanging big ugly sign near her office

That causality is in error. People’s prejudices warp their interpretation of religious texts which frequently contradict themselves. They’re responsible for their bigotry, not the books they read. To think otherwise is religious bigotry.


Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy


But if the books were written by bigots…,

We don’t know who wrote much of the religious texts that many monotheists follow (Mormons are an exception to that). But we do know that they were written long enough ago that social norms were completely different at the times and things we consider bigoted today, would not be consider such then. Such concepts did not exist. What matters is how people interpret these books, and it varies by denomination and even by individuals.


The books were written by hundreds of people over thousands of years and edited by thousands more in numerous religious sects. Smearing an entire religion isn’t fighting bigotry, it is bigotry.

Now let’s get back on topic. If you want to discuss this further, I’ll create a new thread for that discussion.


logical star trek GIF


Just going to note that our disgusting bigot Leon_Glymph on this thread, who I imagine will soon be removed, also talked about X and Y chromosomes making trans people impossible. That line of vile nonsense isn’t exactly stolen from the bible.

The Blast Supper

Lots of people manage to be religious without being awful to LGBTQ people. Let’s not allow Greene that excuse for her reprehensible failure to do the same.


I remain pretty certain this woman believes only in what will advance her career. The sign hanging was for the camera. I think everything she is doing for the camera. She’s gambling that we are moving toward a hateful, racist overturning of America, and she believes she’ll be up there on stage when it happens.

So, I think to debate the validity of the topics she uses to provoke is wasting time in a way she would really appreciate. She’d say it if it she knew it was 100% untrue. She wants everyone upset and the anger levels rising until things come to the boiling point. She is using the Nazi playbook.


I see more and more attempts by the nutty right to co-opt “science”: A thing they neither understand nor respect…so…par for the course for them.


The hell?


It’s facebook. Probably some automod that responded to a bunch of anti trans bigots mass reporting the video.

Couldn’t be assed to put it through human review.


She has no committees. All she can do is troll. Why continue to feed her oxygen? She is literally a waste of oxygen.

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“Infantile hatemonger” is probably the most accurate description of her that I’ve seen so far.


Quite true. And, let us not forget, a significant non-zero number of people are born with reproductive organs that do not fit them easily into traditional definitions of one biological sex or another. So even in rote science terms relating to biological sex at birth, MTG is wrong (not exactly a shocker, that).


Indeed. And fecesbook has no incentive to. They care about money, not hate speech, and as a result they are a platform for hate speech by design.

The difference between Mark Zuckerberg and Fritz Thyssen is Thyssen eventually denounced the Nazis.


Maybe not full to the brim, but 75% full :frowning:

I’ve always wondered about this - if God took one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve, why do men and women have the same number of ribs???

Well, that it’s okay to drug and fornicate with your father, for one. Are you down with that? And you’d best not be wearing mixed fibers right now.

@chenille - OMG, I love that comic so much. Thanks!


Not to mention the various physically invisible genetic possibilities.

Male/Female has always been a false dichotomy: THAT is the science. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her followers know nothing. It’s an insult for them to even use the word science.


74.7% of constituents discounting those disenfranchised or who failed to exercise their franchise. Still way way to many. And still, of course, wrong to throw the rest to the wolves.


“trust the (selectively chosen and clearly ungrasped) science (as it pertains to this topic only and never when it contradicts my ideology)!”

i literally taught remedial science to middle/high school students who understood the difference between gender and sex and the reality of genetic variation more coherently than this person who is now making policy for our national government.


I agree with everything you said but this. I think Marjorie Taylor Green really believes in at least some of the hateful shyte she goes on about. She is just so petty and vicious in her pettiness. I don’t think even a really dedicated politcal actor could be that way, that consistently, without personal passion behind it. Plus the evidence she’s been a bigot all along, even before she realized she could ride her hate to political power and probably money.

@chenille that comic is awesome.

Notice to bigots: we don’t deny the existence and personhood of transgender people around here. You aren’t going to find an audience for your hate, your posts won’t last. Frankly, we’ve heard it all before. Seriously, don’t bother posting. @orenwolf has enough to do without you clogging his to-do list.