Marjorie Taylor Greene flaunts her intolerance by hanging big ugly sign near her office

I’d love to sneak in there and replace it the first two lines:

Cause of wildfires:
Jewish space lasers.


Sovereign citizen cargo cultists.


This is exactly the frustration and action I was trying to express if not worded so well.

What I was ‘wanting to stop’ is the feeding of distracting enraged rhetoric into the popular news cycle, and comment platforms, that is feeding this kind of beast in the way that it has fed Trump for his gain very successfully for the past four years.

By no means stop the fight to overturn these corrupt self serving puppets of a capital driven system.

My understanding is that ‘players’ like MTG are beyond traditional notions of ideology and are deeply narcissistic in their impulses both political and personal. So how do we deal with this?

When you have fascists going mainstream one of the only two major political parties in your country, you don’t make them go away by ignoring them, you fight them. Your implication that those fighting them are enabling them is nonsensical.

Would you ask Representative Marie Newman to silently endure Majorie Taylor Greene’s attacks on transgender people and by extension her own daughter?

Would you ask Newman not to speak out when fecesbook labels her advocacy of LGBTQ+ rights hate speech and removes it while allowing MTG’s actual hate speech to stand?

Would you have Boing Boing not inform us about it?

Would you have us not discuss and voice our opposition to it?

Seriously, exactly to which of these responses to MGT’s bigotry do you object?


Brunch liberalism.

“trump is gone. Why can’t we go back to comforting news cycle?”


There are absolutely legitimate problems with how the media has covered Trump, Trumpism and the multiple generations of bigotry that sowed its seeds.

But conflating that with the media covering it at all or the people fighting back is a dangerous category error.


Not ignore it. Call it out, explain why it’s wrong, bigoted, uniformed, etc. Keep advocating for the better way forward.

Any change that’s been made doesn’t come from ignoring these sorts of figures and then expecting things to change. You have to explain where they are wrong to others on one hand while offering them real world alternatives on the other. Will that get everyone? No, but it will pull some, and that’s how we do this in a democracy.


“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke, apocryphal

Probably paraphasing:

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

“It is not enough in a situation of trust in the commonwealth, that a man means well to his country; it is not enough that in his single person he never did an evil act, but always voted according to his conscience, and even harangued against every design which he apprehended to be prejudicial to the interests of his country. This innoxious and ineffectual character, that seems formed upon a plan of apology and disculpation, falls miserably short of the mark of publick duty. That duty demands and requires, that what is right should not only be made known, but made prevalent; that what is evil should not only be detected, but defeated.”

~ Edmund Burke, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents [circa 1770 CE]


This has been the core strategic failure of the Democratic party for a couple of decades now, really. Outside of some token gestures to progressive policies that tend to be the first things jettisoned when they get into office, Dems basically run on “hey, at least I’m not that asshole”. Truly inspiring messaging.


well i for one am heartened by the response from other legislators to her ignorance and bigotry. anyone else surprised to see it? i confess i am.


I think that’s the perception, but I was listening to fresh air the other day, and she had on a guy talking about the ACA. He pointed out that it’s been a while since the GOP has had any interest in writing legislation, but the Democrats have been doing that this whole time. The ACA took years of actual work, and it was not all done by lobbyists, either. But I think the perception is that the Democrats aren’t really doing anything, in part because that’s what the GOP runs on… but the reality is that they are doing actual work in congress.

I do think it’s fair to say (especially now), “well, I’m not that asshole”, but it should be followed up by here is what I want to accomplish while serving you. That did work for Warnock and Ossoff, both of whom ran ads actually talking about their goals as senators.


It deserves some shoops.


Neighboring done right! :smiley:


That wasn’t my point.

I agree with all of your response.

I was suggesting that it is politically and strategically bad attempt to end MTG’s career by playing the GOP ‘no truth matters game’ by entering into a tactic of logical argument with people who deny facts and their base doesn’t have a problem with this.

I apologize that I didn’t make this more obvious in my original comment, my only reason for being in this thread is to discuss the ways and means of shutting down bigots in power.

This is the kinda political action I’m aligned with:


As I indicated in my rebuttal to the commenter who’s since been removed, I’m not debunking their bad faith arguments for their sake. I’m debunking them because facts do matter and we need to stand up for them.

Thank you for clarifying your intended meaning. It wasn’t what previously came across.


Yes this is such an important subject that I wouldn’t raise my head up unless I had something I wanted to say that would contribute.

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Stating facts isn’t for HER. It’s for the rest of the public. :woman_shrugging:



I definitely think the newer crop of fresh faces have much better savvy about actually communicating with voters and picking the fights that need to be picked. Ossoff, Warnock, AOC, Porter, etc. are far and away more competent and capable individuals than I think a lot of the old guard is.

That said, I do still think that Dems have a serious messaging problem when the response from high-ranking officials to people like AOC et al pushing Medicare for All and the Green New Deal is “why not promise everyone in America a pony while you’re at it?”. They’re writing legislation, sure, but the impact of that legislation is honestly still extremely measly in comparison to the scope of the problems we’re facing. Even the minimum wage fight has gone on long enough that the “Fight for 15” should really be the “Fight for 20” by now, and the most optimistic timeline for even getting to $15/hr is still 2025. It’s hard to make that sort of not-even-incrementalist track record into a rallying cry. It’s still a better pitch than the Republicans’ “we want to take everything away from you”, but in a period of unprecedented inequality and economic disruption, “things won’t change much if we win” isn’t really the winning argument centrists seem to think it is either.


I’m hyper-focused on bigotry. I’m just not that interested in elevating individual bigots into celebrities. Greene is performing transphobia to “trigger the libs” and get her name into the news cycle. Focusing on Greene herself elevates her platform and amplifies her voice. It centers Greene in what could have been a conversation about Rep. Newman and the Equality Act, our trans sons and daughters, and outcomes that improve trans lives.