Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes "Separated States of America" fantasy with dystopian detail (video)

I Know Aint No Sunshine GIF

Well, if you want it to be treated as sedition (which I do), then you got to take the language seriously. The problem is that far too much of the media is not taking this shit seriously, and as a result, the public is not either. They are instead “both siding” this BS.


I know,

life part GIF


Yes, I’m sure everyone in the blue states would be banging down the door trying to get at all the bright opportunities offered by a white supremacist death cult-ruled Alabama. And then they’ll get punished and they’ll be so sorry and Marjorie will laugh and push them down in the mud! MTG’s head is filled with toddler-level power fantasies that would be laughable if so many other people weren’t also hate-filled, dimwitted children in adult bodies.


Village Idiot gonna Village Idiot.


Trumpists wanted to encourage more immigration from Europe (i.e. more immigration by white people). They really thought that thousands and thousands of people from Norway, for instance, would want to exchange a higher quality of life for the “freedom” of white supremacist death cult-ruled MAGA land.


This was my first question- isn’t this treason? She took an oath to the constitution, right? IANAAmerican, so maybe I’m misunderstanding how this works.


I am. And i don’t understand either. :man_shrugging:


I don’t know why this wouldn’t lead to immediate expulsion with referral for prosecution.

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Socialized medicine???. gaaaaaaasp!!!.


Which is interesting considering Lee was reportedly largely against secession and only fought on the side of the Confederacy due to his loyalties to the state of Virginia. Granted his views on slavery were wrong, but he never advocated for secession as a reasonable means to resolving the conflict between the northern and southern states.


Treason? Sedition?..

The Daily Beast says discussing it is ok:

…it’s easy to make maps. It’s a lot harder to divide an established polity, to carve up government assets, write new constitutional law, and convince the outvoted minority in any given region that yes, actually, they do have to live in a new country even though they don’t want to and they were fine with how things were and they never asked for any of this.

That’s the tricky part, the part which will keep national divorce in the fantasy realm for the foreseeable future. Splitting up the country isn’t a terrible idea, and discussing it certainly isn’t sedition, not even for members of Congress. But neither is it a realistic idea, not right now. We’re stuck with each other—and Marjorie Taylor Greene—for a long time to come.

IDK if it smells like…


That particular amendment was written to deal with secessionists. It’s the whole purpose of it.


Every time I read about her here I get the clear impression that she spends 24 hours a day acting like any other digital influencer. Everything she does is to maintain her social media relevance and stir up her fan base.

At least Mr. George Santos has a busy and interesting life and, okay, it’s 90% fictional, but who cares?


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She’s white and conservative, so we give those people a pass, because reasons.

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And yet he resigned his commission in the US army (for example, Virginia itself split and W. VA stayed in the Union. He had a choice, and he choose to defend slavery with the confederacy, because he was defending his own economic interests, along with the other enslavers.

I’m sorry, but that view of Lee is pretty much “lost cause” hogwash that just does not hold up to historical scrutiny:


Reminds me of Russia’s bullshit, like sorry, don’t give us this crap about Ukraine and The West being the agresssors, no one wants to take your shitty-ass country. Not even for the oil and gas, which is really saying a lot.


Which is why I find his story to be interesting. The dissonance between his position on secession and his decision to side with the pro-slavery interests is a nuance of history that gets overlooked. I’m not attempting to defend the man or uphold some mythical version of him, but his stance on the practicality of secession was clear.

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I just find it really amusing that she thinks that any “Red State” that secedes is somehow going to remain a democracy.


I think we largely give passes to treasonous talk because we don’t understand the difference between a culture of “what are you rebelling against/whaddya got” and legitimate grievances. I mean, I’m a child of the 60s/70s that grew up with the underdog rebel-against-society’s-hegemony as the hero, it’s baked into a a couple-three generation’s DNA. Which, like any tool, can be used for both good and evil.


Seems that certain people have chosen to ignore its intended purpose. Funny how privilege and power dictates which laws apply to whom.