Martin Shkreli is going to jail for putting a bounty on Hillary Clinton's hair

Can we call him Goatse Man?


every good rule gets one exception, to prove it, right?

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A colleague , whom was born in a ‘developing country’ mentioned that here in North America, “it’s fun prison here” … I neglected to inquire how he knew the difference while nodding affirmation.

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What was he gonna do, clone her?


The wonderful thing about Shkreli is that maybe he might spend the rest of his life in jail, simply by being himself. Just to be sure, someone please steal all his money while he’s inside, though.

He thought he’d get away with it, just like when he was stalking and harassing those female journalists.

This! Is! Shkreli!


My goals this weekend:

I gotta figure out what to do with this domain. :slight_smile:

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Well actually MOST guys would be nicer, but none more deserving.


Nice use of the April Fools’ Day movie poster; good stuff…

Juror No. 10: “The only thing I’d be impartial about is what prison this guy goes to.”

The Court: “Okay. We will excuse you.”


Your post sent me down the Quackenbush rabbit hole, both because A Day At The Races and also because one of the more famous ones (probably-crooked California insurance commissioner) made a bit of a splash when he moved to my town. Apparently there are lots of them, and are all related.

Probably ought to wait on this case until it goes to trial, to see if the story her lawyer is giving stands up. There’s no interpretation where she’s a good person, but possibly she’s no Shkreli.

Don’t say that once you’re in prison, Martiroonie.


“The Taint Avenger”

Juror No. 59: “And he disrespected the Wu-Tang Clan.”


I’m thinking prison isn’t going to be a pleasurable experience for him…Although he might find some of his horizons (or sumthin’) expanded by the experience :wink:

Juror 144 remains my favourite, because he DOES kind of look like a dick.


Although Shkreli is indeed a highly punchable douchebag, it may be time for the obligatory warning about the downsides of endorsing prison brutality and rape.

May he have a very long, very boring life of quiet reflection, in a place where he is unable to harm others, and may his victims find what restitution is possible.


Didn’t you know that The Leftists are always falling over themselves to assemble their perfect army of Hillary Clinton clones? He was just hoping to get in on the action.

ETA: ninja’d by @some_guy!

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I might worry about the other inmates, because he seems the type who could stick a blade in someone without a change in his expression or a tell until afterwards. However, they’re probably acquainted with that type, and he’s playing in a different league that will critique his satire harshly.


I do not endorse prison brutality of any kind.

That said, I don’t know how Shkreli’s smirk is going to survive in a prison environment. It’s like his face is Walter & Jesse’s giant electromagnet truck and every fist in the vicinity is made of iron.


I Fuckin’ hope not! I’ve never been on bail (Nor for that matter, been in court for anything) but if anyone threaten a former Government official/ Former First Lady who showed she was more then who we married, I’d hope that was a new charge all together.