Maskless woman won't let other shoppers pass her in a grocery store aisle

If someone the size and shape of an NFL lineman had rammed into her with his cart at full speed, causing injury to her, and I was on the jury hearing the trial, I would find him not guilty in a heartbeat.

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There’s a word for that in German; Backpfeifengesicht - ‘a face that’s badly in need of a punch’
You’re welcome.:sunglasses:

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I am amending my comment to add that what I’m saying is that I would go around to the other end of the aisle and come up from there, do my shopping, and possibly stay there a while deciding on what next to put in my cart. I’m not saying anyone else has to do this. It’s my solution. Anyway, at that point she is blocked from going down the rest of the aisle. It’s her rule that nobody can pass anyone, so she would be blocked according to her own rules. I don’t know what would happen then, but maybe we could agree that people can pass if each person stays as far to the side as possible. This is what people in my grocery store do now. My desire would be to fix it so everyone, including her, could shop in peace.

Oh, I know,
Ich bin Deutscher und daher mit dem Begriff vertraut.


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