Originally published at: McConnell warns he will intervene in 2022 GOP primaries "if necessary" | Boing Boing
The intervention powers of the Senate minority leader are carefully laid out in the Constitution.
“There’s no question that in order to win … you have to appeal to the general election audience,”
Which, for Republicans, translates to “gullible and ignorant fools”.
So if “intervene” is gonna look like we’re pitting (Mitch + donors) vs (Trump + primary voters), I think he’s gonna come out disappointed. Though, it’s all a miserable prospect.
Can we pitch them together in a Thunderdome style competition on an offshore abandoned oil rig? Two groups enter, one group leaves after the general elections in 2024.
Asking for the good of the country.
If you’re interested in the good of the country, don’t let them out of the Thunderdome!
Heh, “democracy”, what’s that?
Of course “unelectable” means what, now? They thought Trump was unelectable in 2016, will he still be so in 2024? He could be saying he will force Trump out, or ensure he’s the winning candidate.
I mean, that’s why it’s an abandoned offshore rig and they’re stuck there until 2024 living in the same “meritocracy” and false sense of choice they always give the rest of us.
Anyone who can actually make it that long and wants to come back after we’ve hopefully fixed a few things can go through a deprogramming process. It’ll be easier and cheaper with their numbers culled.
“So what are you going to do, Mollari? Blow up the island?”
“Now that you mention it…”
Two groups enter, both realize too late that Michael Bay was told he could do whatever he wanted to that “abandoned” oil rig for his new movie.
The astronauts on the ISS see the results with their naked eyes.
The bylaws, in this case.
I mean, in a normal world, this would be a good thing. Our leading candidate is a White Supremacist reality TV host with no experience, multiple credible rape accusations, many sexual assault accusations, and clearly beholden to a hostile foreign government? No, let’s not put this candidate forward.
Currently on HBO Max if you desire to watch again.
It’s cute the McConnell thinks he has any actual power in the GOP now. He has zero say in who wins the primaries unless his boss in Mar-a-lago agrees
Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. You aren’t in charge anymore. You didn’t cut out the rot when it first appeared and now your party has gangrene. You would have to amputate a limb and rebuilt over 10 years, but you will accept short term wins that just spread the infection further until it kills your party.
I’ll just reuse my tweets:
Because as satisfying as it is to imagine the news reporting on the tragic stairway deaths of those weenusses, it is much more satisfying to help make them the irrelevant, disgraced, and ineffectual casualties of an election that sweeps them out of office.
What does this actually mean, though? He thinks he’s going to stop Trump from running again? Or stop someone from running against Trump? Because I think Trump has a pretty good chance of winning again, especially after the GQP finish with their voter disenfranchising shenanigans. Certainly better chances than any of the Republicans currently positioning themselves as Trump-knock-offs in advance of the next election.
Republicans are hoping to take back the Senate majority in 2022
That’s a fucking terrifying thought.
Look, can’t we just get beyond Thunderdome?
Remember how conservatives tried to rile up Bernie supporters for supposed behind-the-scenes pro-Hillary maneuvers by the DNC?
“All the children say…”