Meet the band that kicked U2's leather clad ass


Senator, you’re no Jethro Tull

@the_borderer Blue Room” is the longest single to ever reach the UK charts.

it made #5!

But that was an album. Those extra few minutes made all the difference.

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I mean, we could take it seriously - but if we were to do that it would be A Passion Play.

I forget, sometimes /s tags are necessary.

Not a criticism of you, It’s more me forgetting that my tone of thought isn’t always obvious.

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Religion, Politics, Food, Sex, Music… Poe’s Law covers them all!


“Unfortunately the lecture was terminated by flying bottles which hit Mr. Jorgensen below the left eye.”



What I was thinking about The Gloaming is “More uilleannn pipes!”


Paddy Keenan!!!

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For some reason, your diagram brings to mind this video…

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I did the 2am-6am slot. 4 minutes isn’t enough time to get to the bathroom and back! Long songs saved my bladder. That and the fact no one is listening at 4 am so one could get away with a whole album side.


What are leather clad-asses?

I had 6-9 for a couple years. Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1 - 4. That is all.


A good band name?

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Re: long tracks

no, that’s a leather-clad ass, medievalist suggested it should be leather
clad-asses, The only thing I can suppose is big loose lying heaps of
leather with a collection of various asses tied around them.

That’s what I wanted to know! Hmmm, p’raps Urban Dictionary can help.

so what you’re saying is it basically means ass-asses who like Harry Potter?

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Well, it’s the best I can do with this one ¯(°_o)/¯