Meet the vegan bodybuilder who drinks semen smoothies to fight off coronavirus

You’re just being Bossy

I was going to say… if her theory had merit, wouldn’t she be gaining this strength at the expense of her, ah, donors?


Third leg. That’s the phrase you’re looking for.

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‘Obvious Plant’ will clearly have to ‘up his game’, if he doesn’t want to be overtaken by reality, the way ‘The Onion’ was.

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I used to live not far away from Aylesbury and I did my driving lessons in its town centre

Home to this wonder of modern civil engineering and favourite of driving examiners…


yep, that is a triple stacked mini roundabout. I still have PTSD years after attempting to negotiate it. Apparently it can be done within the spirit of the highway code

No wonder the locals are a bit excentric…


The multitude of thoughts that run through my mind resolve into two points…

  1. The concept of a “Facial” cannot be unthought in this instance (Just because no one has mentioned it doesn’t mean people here have not thought it)
  2. As a human male, I HAVE SPERM INSIDE ME. Why is this not already improving my health and well-being? Why do I only feel good when I get rid of it?
  3. WTFF?

OK, Three points.

Well, Four… but I can’t type the fourth.


“Your honour, I was simply trying to protect the plaintiffs from Coronavirus.”

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I’ll see your three mini roundabouts, and raise you three…

Not entirely sure what this has to do with drinking your own juice, but I can’t resist a challenge.


Or else…?

I have had two different partners tell me over the years that semen, when applied internally (ya know, the old fashioned way), functioned as a sort of analgesic. In other words, they were less sore the next morning when they got their ovaries painted instead of their abdomen. Neither claimed to have heard this anywhere, just learned it by direct experience.

Wait, you’re not directly injecting tiger blood? You aren’t getting the full experience.


Reading that headline almost gave me a stroke…


According to this article, some unfortunates are allergic to their own semen.* This allergy only manifests itself upon ejaculation, not when the semen is simply stored in the testes. Therefore, perhaps we can deduce that your semen has no especial effect on your health when similarly situated.

*The article fails to mention if these sufferers are allergic to the semen of others. Obviously more research is necessary.

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Semen isn’t stored in the testes. The testes produce sperm. The sperm moves through the reproductive tract until it reaches the Vas Deferens where it’s stored as semen.


Yeah, I felt strongly that was wrong as I typed it, but was too lazy to look up the exact storage location.

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vegans are strange


It looks complicated, sure, but it’s actually pretty easy to navigate.

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I didn’t have any difficulty first time I found it. However, I knew how planetary gears work, so I was spared the “OMG I’m going around the middle bit the wrong way” panic. You do occasionally see people doing this, but it is usually busy enough that the other cars give you a clue where to go.

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She certainly has well muscled lips,

and fingernails.