Melania dodges Trump's kiss

She said was asked if she’d be with him if he wasn’t rich and admitted she would not. That’s not my idea love.

Well, you’re not her, are you? Some people do see love as a transaction. Not everyone sees the world the same way.

But she’s not some helpless victim or there by force. She CHOOSE to be married to Trump, whatever her reasoning for doing so. I said nothing about this being some love story… :woman_shrugging:


If you follow that logic words mean nothing and anything can be anything. Some people think hitting your wife is compatible with love too but it isn’t.

No, it just means people view the world differently. I think that’s just obviously true.


That’s what I saw, as well. And it looks like she speaks into his ear, too. It looks like she said, “good job.”

Did you mean to write, “that’s not my idea of love”? Because that’s a whole different meaning than, “that’s not my idea, love” which is how it reads now.
You know, in case words still do mean anything.


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