Melania Trump assures voters that husband Donald isn't Hitler

I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t have to be white people. I think that they maybe don’t have to be regressive either.

And you’ll be publishing this outstanding sci-fi tale when? Cause I’d totally read that… :wink:


A visionary coward says that anger can be power
As long as there’s a victim on TV

The Goo Goo Dolls, Flat Top

You could also illegalize the methods and apparatus of dissent.

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It’s machine-readable and available for most persons. I started at wikidata and found the height in one of the first few referenced databases.


That would be a different German dictator.

See! Trump is not at all like Hitler!


Regional differences - a few months or maybe longer.
Catholic v. Protestant - a week, tops.
Libertarian v. Protectionist - a few seconds.


Now that’s trippy;

I’ve often had the thought that all the haters who blame every problem in existence on “Others” should have their own version of the planet all to themselves.

After all it’s everyone else that’s the problem, so what could possibly go wrong?

It would be a veritable “utopia”, I reckon…

(Please write this book; I’d totally buy it.)


Napoleon, or the Pharaoh in Exodus.

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I Trump wants me to believe he isn’t Hitler, he better produce his birth certificate… No, the long form one… That’s just a scan, how do I know it wasn’t doctored?.. Does that ink seem suspicious to you?

To be fair, we built the wall in Germany after Hitler was dead. So… uh… point to the Donald?

The fact that he openly admits that he changes his net worth based on how he feels is possibly the most narcissistic thing I have ever heard. Not only does he think reality changes based on how he feels, but he is willing to tell us so, and probably thinks we’ll be fine with that.

I think the unity-sediment is what is left over once the mass graves are filled.


In Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, it concludes with Richard Rahl creating a copy of his world, and exiling all of the rapists, the communists, the socialists — everyone who didn’t believe in complete individual freedom — to the copy world. Along with, y’know, Richard’s non-magical cousins, because reasons.

Terry Goodkind later wrote a book called The Law of Nines and surprise! The world that Richard Rahl exiled all of the evil people to was really our world all along!

In retrospect, I really don’t recommend reading either (the conclusion of the last SoT book, Confessor, completely contradicts the end of the first book, Wizard’s First Rule, and the beginning of the second, Stone of Tears, and now he’s decided to write a second conclusion to the series, telling the real real story about the purpose of the Sword of Truth; I’m not bothering to read it).


I tried getting into Terry Goodkind’s stuff, but it just didnt move me.

But the twist you mentioned about the copy world being this world makes perfect sense to me.

Terry Goodkind is an objectivist nutjob.

Jeez. He’s written 17 books in that series? I read the first two or three and gave up. About the same time I gave up on Jordan’s Wheel of Time.

Heh. I just googled him + libertarian and this was the first link.
The Randian Fantasies of Terry Goodkind

I think I read the headline of that article differently to the author of the piece.


Some small American towns might as well be located in your alternative universe. It was my experience that citizens became extremely fussy about differences that were more and more difficult for the untrained eye to detect. Then, a new generation of children would become bored out of their minds with the whole thing and start up some sort of private “scene” to escape. This would become a sign of impending armageddon and a fractious generational divide would develop. Remember, the enemy is always “within.”


I gave it six months before they descended into full-on Mad-Max-style warlordism. I now give it three.

It was a thought experiment that basically went with the thought of “if there were no Blacks, no Jews, no ethnic Others, no ideological Others, and so forth upon which to affix blame, scapegoat, and defer recognition of the failure of ideology to triumph over reality… how long would it take them to create one from among themselves? And, lacking any moderating influences, how long would it take for the remaining internal differences to amplify to the point of martial conflict?”

That being said, I am working on a story that plays with the concepts a bit… (damn plot bunnies…)


If the British fascist groups are anything to go by, they’ll do it before they even leave.


I used to work with a Romanian who was deeply racist against Bulgarians. I have a co-worker who is from Pakistan near the Indian border - they are married to an Indian but the stories they have about the hate between the two nations is crazy. One of my great grandfathers was horribly discriminated against in Scotland for being from the Isle of Man.

Leave people together long enough and they’ll become prejudiced against those who put a different emphasis on the syllables in some words for lack of anything else to pick on.


I think there’s a new campaign message there.

Trump! He’s not Hitler* …

*despite what you heard


Especially since it’s the wrong denial. He’s not not-Hitler. He’s not-Mussolini.

How long did it take the Puritans to start doing witch hunts? That was very much about fear of the Other (the natives, for multiple reasons, chief among them that people would run off from the colony and join them, as they sometimes did), but in the absence of an Other, those fears got displaced onto their own population. They’d be hunting for secret satanists within a decade.


With all the anti-intellectual stuff, I was wondering if maybe he’s not-Pol-Pot. But, it’s been a long time since I read up on what happened in Cambodia, it might not be a good comparison, beyond the low-intelligence voter stuff.