Merck CEO resigns from presidential council over Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists


Well, there’s a difference in priority when you have good men doing the lord’s work on one hand, and one of the hired help getting “uppity”…

(and F-ing yes, this should read like sarcasm, but sadly is probably the actual f-ing thought process of the current POtuS)

[Also, totally racist overtones completely intended because Herr Assmunch in Chief is a goddamn Nazi sympathizer]


In the spirit of “you’re not paranoid if they really are out to get you”, this suggests the possibility that we are not talking just about an amoral bigot white supremacist in the oval office, although we are. In fact it is also something a lot more insidious. We are likely seeing (big, stomping) clues suggesting that:

  • Trump is completely amoral, and only scores actions based on immediate financial return to himself.
  • He is contractually beholden to at least one white supremacist faction, and financially suffers each time he makes a statement / action that opposes them.
  • When he looks unhappy or walks off the stage, he has just lost money.
  • Such contracts are likely based on carrots (money and positive PR), and sticks such as publication of facts suggesting legal impropriety. The contracting faction is providing money in return for freedom of action (invasion of sovereign countries, KKK style rallies, etc.)
  • The above type of evil agreements are likely repeated with all factions supporting Trump.
  • If so, it is easy to understand that the entire administration has devolved into constantly toadying to those factions to fulfill those contracts and putting out fires when the factions act out way over the top. Basically the executive branch is completely compromised. One might think similar things about the legislative branch, but apparently there are so many different factions they just cancel each other out.
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Trump the Unifier?

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