Originally published at: Mike Huckabee pitches "Free Trump gift for kids" which requires agreement to automatic credit card charges | Boing Boing
It is always about the hustle with these people, isn’t it?
Trump [grift] for kids
This is perverse. And abusive.
Sure, it’s awful. But it’s not really new. Isn’t this basically the same con as the “win free prizes” stickers on the back of kids magazines?
Well except for the added fascist indoctrination, which raises it to the level of child abuse.
It’s nice that Trump and his cultists are finally creating propaganda at the correct education level for their followers.
So, completely on-brand, then?
Yeech. I fired up the TOR browser and went to the site so you don’t have to (Here is is, but you’ve been warned : thekidsguide dot com). It is children’s propaganda of the worst kind: Kutesy, Kuddly, Komforting.
Huckabee “family values” on display again. Tell us again how much you care about the children, Mike.
When I saw “Free Trump gift for kids”, my first thought was shouldn’t someone convict him first?
That said… the overall scheme reminds me of some space and geography-themed sets that my parents subscribed to in the 60s.
That is the idea – make things that look very similar in style to those '60s “Wonder Books” combined with '70s Schoolhouse Rock animation, in an effort to deliver propagandist messages about the essential goodness and exceptionalism of the past and the purity of our European ancestors. Historical whitewashing of the worst kind.
OMG, this makes me remember about the penny I sent in for a “lunar module over the moon” model and then ended up getting monthly $5 mailings about random foreign cultures.
It is the epitome of corporate dystopia where you have to pay for your own propaganda.
It’s not cheap either. Almost $6 per magazine, in 2021? And you know it’s 3/4 ad space. It had better be some 200 page monster.
Mike gave the world Sarah Huckabee. Most would have stopped there, but Mike still has so much more to give . . .
If anyone ever figures out of souls are real I’m sure they will find these people never had one
This is the moral equivalent picking up the bottom of the barrel smeared with shit and licking it clean.
Which sounds just about right for Mike Huckabee
Not just the grift but the hagiography.
They can’t just market a “normal” skewed, evangelical-christian/right-wing revisionist history lesson, it had to also include hagiography for their conspiracy-cult leader/former president/would-be autocrat. (I’d be interested in seeing a side-by-side comparison of this material and the curriculum for elementary school kids in North Korea.)
Looked at the website. I’m thinking of purchasing this for my niece. I mean, what little red-state tyke wouldn’t just love curling up with this at bedtime: “The Free Market: A History of American Capitalism”
Was that the booklet series where the color illustrations were stickers you licked and placed yourself?