Mike Huckabee: Wish I could’ve said I was transgender in high school, to shower with teen girls

Sounds like the plot to the best 80’s movie ever.

I’d call it “Jennifer” and base it on the Tootsie screen play.

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I refuse to believe that the only recourse against perverted heterosexual men is the discrimination against everyone who isn’t a heterosexual man.


Ever see Nuns on the Run? Maybe Huckabee thought it was a documentary.


Well, obviously he’s not serious, he’s telling a joke at the expense of the trans community with the aim of demonizing them as “preverts” (sic) and scaring parents; if he really wanted to shower with teen girls back then the first step would’ve been to not be such a prude about sex-- it was the 1970’s, (and Mike, I guarantee you a lot of your bros, even in Bible-belt Arkansas, were sexually active with their girlfriends.)


I think I understand Mike Huckabee a little better now. I think it’s quite brave of him to come out and say that he’d willingly exploit loopholes to engage in predatory behaviour. Most people wouldn’t be so open to admit that it’s only the tight controls that society has placed upon them that has prevented them from reprehensible behaviour.

I guess if he’s part of that infinitesimal minority of people for whom that applies, it’s probably hard for him to comprehend that most of the rest of us do the right thing because we have some capacity to think of the welfare of others, and we don’t need laws that negate the reality of transgender people just to stop us from exploiting others.


“But if you don’t believe in jeebus… what keeps you from killing people?”


Why DO we still have gender-segregated bathrooms, anyway? Is it really so terrible to wash your hands next to someone of the opposite gender? If you need privacy for something, use a stall- you probably wouldn’t be taking off your pants without one even in a one-gender bathroom. Locker rooms where people are getting undressed makes some sense, bathrooms… not so much.



I did remember an SNL skit along these lines.

There’s a term, “indomitable ignorance”, that applies to the type of person who, beyond simply being ignorant, erects walls around their ignorance to preserve it and glory in it…


7 yeard old girl, “she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”

Wait, is he talking about himself? Is this what he wants to do, because that is what it sounds like to me.


Just how is it that he knows he wouldn’t get wood?

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Looks like the inevitable failure of his run at the Republican presidential nomination has got Mike Huckabee exploring an alternative career in stand-up comedy. Given that smattering of nervous laughter however, I think he might want to move on to another option.


“I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman” -Mike Huckabee

Hey, if it’s good enough for movie review quotes…

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Not flippant, but for some non-binary-gendered people (“enbys”) it actually is that way. Bigendered people might feel the urge to perform masculinity one day and femininity the next (I’ve seen them writing about “boy mode” and “girl mode” in trans forums as a thing they just woke up in, not something they chose). Some genderqueer people might, on the other hand, make a conscious decision to present one way or the other on any given occasion or split the difference or whatever.

There is more than one trans narrative; not all people are the same, feel the same, or identify the same way.

The only way to make absolutely everyone comfortable is privacy for all irrespective of gender. Which, admittedly, in a school setting might be prohibitively expensive. It’s not an easy problem to solve, but basic respect for people instead of assuming they are liars, perverts, or crazy, is a start. Which is already well beyond Huckabee’s level of maturity and compassion.


Girls and women are not so easily fooled. They will know if the person is a sister or not.

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There was a great story on bigender people done by Invisibilia back in February. Before listening to it, I had no idea the bigender paradigm even existed. For a lot of people, transgenderism is hard to wrap their head around, but bigender is even more foreign to a typically straight cis person’s experience.

It took me a long time to come to terms with one of my cousins becoming a transwoman, but I worked it out and am on good terms with her. It honestly was a growing experience for me, and I’m glad I had to figure it all out as early as I did (I was 16 at the time, and quite the fundie.) I shudder to think of how I would have reacted back then if she’d come out as bigender. I’d probably have said horrible shit about “faking” or “flip-flopping”.

Anyway, it’s an interesting topic, and there’s a growing body of research on bigender people and their experience with that type of phenomena.


My thought exactly, can we finally do away with the mandatory public nudity open shower and locker room for kids, especially considering that witness to their nudity is tainted with radioactive selective imprisoning power. Stores have had this thing called a changing room for probably hundreds of years now.


The flippant I was referring to wasn’t in regard to the idea that this was a thing, but to @jansob1’s now-deleted “Devil’s advocate” idea that a teenage boy who presented as a straight cis male all the time would suddenly declare that he “felt like a woman” that day and should shower with the girls.

The deleted comment now makes me look like an insensitive douchecanoe. >.<

Everything that you said is 100% spot on!


Being a New Zealander I grew up in the 90s with a never-ending barrage of American TV programs. Having showers in a school changing room was depicted often, and yet I’ve never been in a school changing room here that had showers in it. Us kids and teenagers would just get changed from our PE clothes into our uniforms without a intermediary shower. Are the showers really necessary? Is this a cultural difference regarding personal hygiene?

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