Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/19/mister-president-dont-yo.html
Implying that Trump cares about his kids… (well, aside from his creepy obsession with Ivanka’s looks… shudder)
He has offspring, sure.
I’m not sure how much actual child rearing 45 participated in while his kids were growing… and even if he was present beyond the photo ops, I’m not sure he actually gives a damn about any of them, outside of (apparently) wanting to have sex with Ivanka.
Jinx; I owe you a coke…
Let’s see the long-form DNA tests. (Not that there’s any doubt about his male spawn.)
But it is biblical
Donald Trump has pawns, not kids.
Reading yesterday about the children changing the diapers of the younger detainees, I immediately wondered whether 45 ever changed one, himself.
If he’s not nice he won’t have anyone left to do it for him, further on up the road…
I once had my phone service through British Milcom.
the protesters already standing outside the new tent city they are building on the border with the hastily made hand-written signs in the rain are my heroes for today
problem is I think they are “preaching to the choir” but I guess they felt like they had to do something, anything, so they did, good on them
oh I forgot to mention I noticed today the Methodist Church is trying to excommunicate (expulsion) Sessions over this, there was a blip in the news and then it got washed away by everything else
strangely this is the only mention I can find of it online now, maybe I am searching badly lawandcrime.com/high-profile/sessions-faces-possible-expulsion-from-methodist-church-for-alleged-child-abuse-based-on-family-separations/
Wrong biblical reference. You are supposed to be referencing Ba’al. That’s the one children were sacrificed to.
Also remember that P45 has two jewish grandkids and couldn’t even denounce Nazi’s at Charlottesville.
I’d love to see him at their next Passover Seder.
“Grampa couldn’t denounce the Nazi’s shouting “the jews will not replace us”, Grampa gets more votes from his base that way.”
No way he denounces the “President Bannon” immigrant control strategy.
They both had child sacrifices, assuming they weren’t the same god (Moloch=king, Ba’al=lord)
Only if he dies poor.
A rich asshole will always find someone who’ll do the dirty work for him.
BTW, if you want to get to Spanky, don’t shout at him. In person, ignore him1).
Attention - any kind of attention - is his drug. Blank him. Turn your back. Ignore him. Don’t acknowledge he is even in the same room.
1) Obviously, do not ignore anything he does or says.
That alone doesn’t work. Trump first has to know that he’s being ignored, otherwise, he won’t care.
I wanted to leave a snarky comment about this whole thing, but this is increasingly not a time for jokes. This isn’t just “oh, that just the Donald”, these are crimes against humanity.
They actually did take it to the voting booth, champ, as did their constituents, because the people in this video are what are called “US representatives”. You see, there is this thing called “congress” and, oh you know what never mind.
[this comment shouldn’t have been flagged btw]