Mitt Romney's very bad travel day

Projection, man, with these guys it is always projection. Always.


So true…but this is the only type of projection I’m interested in.


The Romney saga is the least interesting thing about this post. How about this headline instead:

White Fuckwit Agitators Flaunt Federal Safety Laws, Will Face No Recrimination Because They’re Not People of Color When, In Fact, They Should Be Detained, Arrested and Charged As Domestic Terrorists


You need retraining…here’s a handy guide:


Credit where it is due: Romney was also the first Senator in American history to vote in favor of impeachment and removal of a President from his own party.

So he may be a sniveling coward but he’s still the least cowardly snake in the pit.


Low fucking bar is LOW


Honestly, I think it’s more accurate to say the poison has always been there, and Trump has allowed it to bubble to the surface.

Look at his approval rating among Republicans. It strongly indicates that they’re finally happy to have someone who says what they feel and does what they want. And when you consider what he says and does, well…that’s just who those people are.

And I don’t believe they’ve just become this over the last 4 years.


Really? She sounds entitled and angry that many Americans don’t support her narrow and dangerous world view, including other conservatives. Her guy lost, and she needs to suck it up and deal with that instead of trying to literally destroy democracy.


he still wants to be president some day - he’s thinking of nobody but himself


True, maybe I’m projecting because hearing people like her makes me feel all those things. I do think however that most of the right-wing, gun-toting, angry Americans are mostly motivated out of fear and as much as they espouse “freedom” they are far from free as they’ve chained themselves up in their minds and convinced themselves the entire world is out to get them when the entire world just wants them to shut the fuck up and leave us alone.

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I will experience a certain amount of schadenfreud watching “blue lives matter” and “law and order” trump supporters getting roughed up by police. Only for the sheer hypocrisy of it all.

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I think the sheer number of them on a single flight makes it difficult. Still would be entirely feasible for the pilot to turn the plane around or stay grounded until they all behave.

Of what, though? No one is calling for their systemic disenfranchisement or worse, as many of them support for others who do not share their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views, country of birth, etc. They would rather live in an autocratic state than accept that the rest of us exist and deserve the same rights they’ve long enjoyed.


By poison I mean he is a demagogue who has created a cult following. Any Republican perceived as not on board is now one of Them.


Fear of losing their unearned privilege?

When that’s all someone has going for them, they’ll fight for it tooth and nail…


the word you’re looking for is “pillaged”. unless you believe, like romney, that “corporations are people my friend.”

for my two cents, there’s no reason to casually toss around a word that implies a sexual assault which often targets women. to me, and probably others, it makes your post sound misogynistic, even if that wasn’t your intent.


Oh yeah for sure. I didn’t mean justified fear, I meant self-created and purposefully-absorbed through Fox-news fear-mongering fear.

I guess, but on the other hand, we’ve seen plenty of white women able to turn on the waterworks and pretend to be afraid of Black people for various ends (sometimes, just to be a dick). It could be they are afraid (of literally nothing) or it could be that they are actively seeking to harm others. At this point, I think they’ve shown us enough to make me believe it is very much the latter, not the former.


True, I’m likely mistranslating their hatred as fear. Again, it might be projection as I fear hatred and fear them and their anger and stupidity and cruelty. But, I also know there are more of us than there are of them and hopefully we’ll make some progress toward dwindling their numbers down until they slink back into the holes they crawled out of.

~“he just threatened all of us!”
~“this is the kind of fuckers we’re here to wipe out!”

Simultaneously fragile and in need of protection from the consequences of their own ignorance but somehow also strong manly men who have the right to hand out life and death for others. May they all have diarrhea forevermore.