Oh well. They produce such great comedians, decent beer and cheap whiskey (personally prefer Seagrams to Jack Daniels). Plus I have to give them props for singularly representing North America against the Nazis from 1939-41
I blame the way American public schools teach history. They leave out that the American Revolution and War of 1812 were also failed efforts to conquer Canada.
Quebec is one of my favorite cities in the Northeast. You take one look at the upper Old City with its high cliffs and commanding view of the river and you can see why efforts to conquer it were doomed.
ahh… tillamook. as best as i could find the lawsuit is still ongoing
the suit argues that although tillamook claims to be a collective of small farmers, the bulk of their milk comes from a single mechanized farm in eastern oregon
Aw rats, I just got some cheddar from Tillamook, first time trying it, on recommendation from a local cheesemonger. It’s good, but a lot of cheeses are good.
I understand 21 (of 281 total) are supposed to be mothballed this year, but right now this appears to be it. Apparently mainly because there isn’t a replacement in sight yet.