More than 30-50 Feral Canadian Hybrid "Super Pigs" reportedly headed towards USA

It used to be the main plane flown out of my nearest air force base. I miss seeing them, a much more interesting profile than the F-18s that replaced them. :face_with_monocle:


You might have to move…


I’m hoping as more are retired that air museums have opportunity to buy them. An A-10 would be a great addition to our local air museum’s fleet. Then I would get to see them flying around all summer long without having to move!


I’d suggest Facerock in Bandon. Fred Meyer sells it.

I’d suggest Umpqua as a good alternative if you can get it.

ETA: Beechers also sells curds of various flavors. I haven’t tried them, but their other cheeses are stellar so I bet they are tasty. All of these were at Fred Meyer(Kroger).


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