Musk boosts 4chan claim that women are incapable of critical thinking

Ok, that would lead to a government of teenage boys, because they have the highest level of testosterone.

I mean they couldn’t on average be any more dumb than Musk, or the guy who pulled above quote out of their ass, but still.

The way to a healthy democracy is not selecting who can vote (not even by people”/ level of critical thinking), but good education for everyone so that people can realize their potential. Critical thinking is a learned skill, and access to education would significantly reduce the number of people who either pull this kind of bullshit out of their asses, or who believe that crap without questioning it.


I conclude that Musk and his fan boys are incapable of critical thought.


They don’t exist, and any scientific research showing otherwise is woke nonsense.


Old, discredited research claimed that only cis men could be autistic, and since all these reactionaries want the world to go back to 1950/1933/1860/1820 they will also want anything more recent to be memory-holed.


Rodney Dangerfield voice: “I’m skeptical because I can’t know exactly what she thinks, but my wife sure is good at critical talking!”

Did he just give himself the rare “Self Burn?”

It sounds as if he’s admitting that he’s not a “high T alpha male” like his friends.


People who can’t defend themselves physically (women and low T men…

I’m betting the average woman athlete could, should she be so disposed, cause him more than a significant amount of physical injury.

Growing up with a single mom, in the age of “women are inferior” but seeing how she managed to raise 2 kids, pets, and maintain a house, all while having less rights than I did as a male child makes me think she was a lot stronger than me in all the ways that count.



What an idiot. Everyone knows that information is simultaneously true and false until you open the box and observe the cat. I certainly wouldn’t want to hand society over to people who can’t even grasp the quantum states of information.



Do not lump him in with us. Call him a techbro, or something else, but not a software engineer.


Possibly. He takes testosterone himself and has the raisin nuts to prove his critical thinking skills.


I think the joke was less about software engineers and more about their version/testing rubric.


There are definitely toxic personalities among the profession that have gained notoriety, but that’s true in just about any profession. But I know I hear about it more among software engineers because as a member myself, that’s included in my news sources.

Don’t forget about female sociopaths too!

You’re missing the point – to software engineers “alpha” means an early test version full of bugs, like Musk’s personality. Nobody is saying the engineers themselves are especially toxic (of course engineers’ disease is a thing, but I have no idea how common it is among the software kind).


Even though the frog has been totally dissected, I’m still smiling at the joke; so, I think we can certify it as funny-as-fuck.

Explaining the joke was a dirty job, but someone had to do it for the sake of clarity, thank you for your service.


I see a future in which you are allocated votes according to some kind of ranking system based on melee combat. I would probably have done averahe a couple of decades ago, but now there are policewomen I wouldn’t want to go up against.


Look, we’re not savages, of course there won’t be an actual melee. We’ll just measure everyone’s testosterone levels and assign them votes accordingly.

Unless we decide you’re a woman and then we’ll arbitrarily decide your testosterone levels can only be up to a certain amount.



In a “state of nature” setup, there might be a manufactured consensus within the tribe backed up by physical force. But most likely the “high T” males would be forcibly manufacturing a self-serving bullshit consensus and threatening to beat up any critical thinkers who disagreed.

But the esteemed scholars of 4chan ignore how many manufactured consensuses in modern societies are enforced purely through social pressure. I mean, how many “alpha males” live in fear of being “cancelled” these days?


Isn’t all social consent “manufactured” and highly contextual? :thinking: Why assume that “tribal” culture (whatever the hell that is) depends entirely on force to “enforce” conformity, when we do know other forms of consensus building are quite common (community governance, via councils, gift culture, etc) within various kinds of cultures that aren’t urban-based (and are more likely to be small-scale and face-to-face - I guess what we “imagine” when we say “tribal”)? And violence is used in “modern” society to enforce consensus too… especially with regards to women, POC, LGBQT+ folks, etc. These very same kinds of men we’re talking about regularly use threats of violence and violence to impose their will on others. The heart of authoritarianism is about enforcing one’s will via violence, after all.


don’t forget, all such testing regimes will be at the whim of white men in positions of power, and will almost exclusively target women with dark color skin :confused: