My money is on Trump weaseling out of these Presidential debates

Who actually are Trump’s advisors these days? I’m just thinking that practically everyone who helped him out over the past 10 years of presidential campaigning and in office has ended up in prison or owing a massive fine. Himself included. There are probably some stragglers who the courts are too jammed to process yet.

It’s not exactly an advertisement for “the Best People” then, or for new “Best People” to join up now…


Basically who ever just says “yes” to whatever he wants…


It seems that even Ivanka and Jared are keeping their distance nowadays. One of the wiser things they’ve done.

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Lara Trump was on Fox saying the debates are rigged in Biden’s favor.


Of course. Get the excuses in now. Then if Trump doesn’t actually shit himself live on stage, declare him Best Super Winner of MegaMAGA Fantasticdom.


By this point I’m not at all certain that would change any minds.


I’m certain it would, but they would almost all be from the “independents” and people who haven’t been paying attention to politics. His cult of personality is by now so deep in sunk cost fallacy that most (not all, but most) of them can and will dismiss anything. But he can’t win with just the loons who think anything he does is good.


Hopefully, then, :crossed_fingers: it would repulse them to the point that they actually vote, as they’d presumably outnumber…


Weaseling. His specialty. His art.


It's what separates us from the animals – except the weasel.


He just makes stuff up and then he’ll say it’s Biden that backed out of agreed upon debates.

I have accepted a fourth Presidential Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, this time with NBC & Telemundo. It is important as Republicans that we WIN with our Great Hispanic Community, who Biden has devastated with Crippling Inflation, High Gas Prices, Crime in our Streets, and Border Chaos. This Fourth Debate will go along with our previously accepted Presidential Debates on CNN, ABC, and Fox. This is all in addition to our accepting an invitation from Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum of Fox News to host the Vice Presidential Debate at Virginia State University, or another venue, in Virginia, to be named later. These are the Debates that Voters have been asking for, and these are the Debates that Voters will get!


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