Nancy Pelosi says Trump is "morbidly obese"

Now how fucked up is it that a man who looks after a huge monster that eats people in gladiatorial contests is more sympathetic than a real-life politician?


In the Trump proven world record Presidential serial lying era, truth and facts hurt Dumb Donny. Then there’s this, Donny’s taking Windex to protect himself from his dreaded Windmill Cancer. The butter has slipped off Donny’s noodles, past time for a mental health intervention.

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There was an excellent, succinct, killer NYT editorial the other day that nailed down the several ways that Pres. Obama is superior to Trump. Pelosi’s comment adds another “way” to get under Trump’s skin and cause him to meltdown on camera, an attack that he cannot possibly talk around without looking like a fool. His advisers may suggest that he counter-attack by calling out Pelosi for fat-shaming, but, effectively, that would entail he admitting that he is as Pelosi described, and that just isn’t him. Or he could just ignore the whole thing. Uh huh.

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You have taken me back to the Hammerheaded-Bat posts. If in this situation, I definitely would give that bat a big wet one on the mouth if it meant not being forced to give one to Trump. “Monster” is a relative term.


It’s missing a “hey”!


Eh all of his doctors are quacks and there are persistent rumors with some surprisingly solid backing that he’s been on prescription diet pills (speed) for decades. He’s a germophobe with long term connections to alt med companies. And he seems to have exactly zero understanding of why or why not something like this might work or how it could be harmful.

There’s zero reason to think he wouldn’t take it. A few weeks ago he was advocating injecting cleaning supplies.

I assumed he was talking it already. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’s rubbing himself with magic crystals.


Not just Trump now, either.

Remember, before the mass-murder/suicide that killed most residents of Jonestown, Jim Jones would sometimes ask his disciples to drink liquid that he told them was poisoned—or even have their children drink it—just to find out if they would do it.


I seem to recall that one of the white house doctors claimed that he was less heathy than his patient-- as Trump’s aliments were well controlled by medications, while his own aliments were not. At the time, I thought this odd, but I am not well versed on current medical philosophy.

Do any of these medications cross react with hydroxychoroquine?

FDR was in a wheel chair… and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. And he was one of the best presidents of all time. Policy trumps physique. Policy trumps Trump too, but good luck telling that to the Dems

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Dear Pensketch,

Your instincts are sharp. He’s using the hydroxychloroquine self medication lie as a taunt. A form of uber narcissistic self one upsmanship.

Agree with this point in principal.

The quandary for Dems and all opponents of the would be fuhrer is that he scores points with some voters through these tactics (e.g. focusing on Clinton’s pneumonia episode), and it isn’t clear that abiding to the letter of “when they go low, we go high” has helped Dems in high stakes contests like 2016.

I’m not saying let’s lose our principles to win at any cost, but in the context of an election that is historically important, I’d allow that taking a few shots at Trump’s facade made of “unbelievable health, stable genius, etc. etc.” might be acceptable?

Not that we shouldn’t keep doing what you say, but pointing out his lies and his behavior didn’t stop him getting elected once, and the corruption he’s amassed while in office doesn’t seem to have phased many people. And what Pelosi’s really calling out here is his lies (about his physical fitness) and hypocrisy (of promoting a treatment with no proven value and actual demonstrated risks) rather than his weight – though obviously it’s collaterally a comment about his weight, and she knows that.

I guess my feeling is: in normal times, don’t make such comments. Right now, go for the jugular, because he will take this bait and when he responds it will continue to make him look pathetic and vain and vastly unqualified to handle this crisis and this national moment in our history. We need to keep that image of him front and center in the American public’s mind.

The “we go high” thing is very different from what I would advocate. I just think we should be sticking to insults that we mean fully. Calling him a lazy trust fund grifter is fine by me.


Psychiatric disorders : Affect/emotional lability, nervousness, irritability, nightmares, psychosis, suicidal behavior.

No change there.


Absolutely. I just feel like plenty of Dems have pointed out the corruption, the lack of accountability, the racism, the oblivious entitlement, ever since his descent down the golden escalator, with little impact on many voters’ consciences.

I feel like Pelosi was taking direct aim at his mirage of physical/mental/decision-making health, which I don’t think Dems have attacked as coherently as they could, and because the previously mentioned tactics have had so little effect.

I liked how @Malarkey put it:

I think Speaker Pelosi has her toes across the line, but I also think her words were aimed directly at the Orange Menace.

I think the end in mind was to bother him alone. That said, I can’t speak as someone who is affected by our society’s prejudice against certain body sizes, so I take the critique to heart.


Luckily no one is going to be self-medicating Hydroxychloroquine, unlike the under-the-sink pharmacy of his last medicinal gaffe.

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Refusing to wear a mask and taking this shit have to be signalling something to someone. Trump is incompetent and has impulse control issues, but his re-election team is not. Do these actions actually speak to enough of a base to provide any sort of election advantage?

Unless they drink fish tank cleaner…


I’m just not keen on the whole calling anyone fat as if it’s a valid point of argument. It smacks of the same facistic tendencies to dehumanize opponents. But this is Pelosi, she’s a neolib so I expect this crap from her.

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