Nazi cartoonist meets the Streisand Effect after Twitter censors discussion of his identity

Remember, with this sort of “humour”, the amusement doesn’t come from humour, it comes from cruelty.

There is never any laughing with. It’s only ever laughing at. They will never accept a “joke” at their own expense: that’s a killing insult. And they’re always, always, always punching down.

You might say this reveals them to be insecure cowardly sadists. I couldn’t possibly comment.


He should change his name to Dick S. Dryson because… The dick’s dry, son.


“Right Wing Cartoonist” is like “Christian Rocker” - no actual talent required


Nono No GIF by NørdicWire

Username checks out, though


8 posts were split to a new topic: Xitter Internal Systems Minutiae

Quick, someone see if they can socially-engineer Stonetoss into posting his own name!


A far-right Austrian who received donations from and communicated with the Christchurch terrorist before the 2019 attack has had his X account restored, with X owner Elon Musk replying to one of his tweets.

The founder of the so-called Identitarian Movement, Martin Sellner, who preaches the superiority of European ethnic groups, was banned from Twitter in 2020 under the former management along with dozens of other accounts linked to the movement amid criticism over the platform’s handling of extremist content.


I’m barely on Twitter, and before I mostly left I had Elon muted. I know he’s a white supremacist, I know what he tweets, and I know he enables them.

I just don’t think he gives a single flying fuck about stonetoss. It is stonetoss’s fans abusing what is left of the moderation system. If people go so far to say it is Elon personally doing it, he can say “no I’m not” and be correct, making his detractors look foolish.


oh, all gone…Im ok with that, it started to feel like this game.

(e/ I really should check my links before posting. now I actually get meliz hyperbole. guess this was my monthly fuckup.)

Holy hyperbole, comrade!

( It takes at least two to argue.)

I would advise staying on the actual topic at hand, OR…

Starting one’s own post to discuss the offshoot topics which interest one more than the current subject.


sorry. sometimes its getting bit out of hand. happens.

e/ and I didnt saw until now that the topic was split into a new thread.

e2/ oh. sometimes Im just very dumb.

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Am I still an active user of Twitter because I never deleted my accounts on it? I haven’t actually posted for about 8 years.

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BTW, I read today in my local paper that Martin Sellner is now banned from entering Germany. Oh, he may still sneak in as Germany and Austria have an open border, it’s not like he’ll be turned back right away, but his ass will be in jail next time he tries to show up for another private “seminar”.


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