Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster"

I feel like there’s an expression that’s been used historically to paper over this fact…




Also this classic is relevant:

Unfortunately the unroll breaks a bit at the end where the really interesting stuff about statistical range comes into play, but this thread covers a lot even without that.


It does say on average, so statistics is covered.

WHEREAS, biological differences between the sexes mean that males are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than females;

The order though is awfully rigid, so mistakes on birth certificates look like they’d be permanent.

It defines female/male based on gonads, but in a way that those intersex persons who have both testes and ovaries are both male and female. Though it could also be saying that they have to be functional to be male or female.

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Those gonads are generally not terribly functional in newborns. So, no one is anything? Pretty sure they would not like that.


That’s actually a damn good description of a lot of them!

No maturity, no wisdom, no perspective. Just age.


The actual wording uses the word “developed”:

b. a “female” is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova; a “male” is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female;

This does look like if someone’s gonads aren’t developed, they are neither. Certainly by this definition, people born without gonads (gonadal agenesis) are neither.

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I think this is a bullshit law and a bullshit controversy. And it conflates sex and gender so it is totally stupid.
However, I looked at the linked document and didn’t see “bigger, stronger and faster” in the document? Did I miss it or is it not there? There are plenty of reasons to be pissed about this crap without making things up.

It’s the second line in the first page of the document. You have to scroll up to see it, but it’s there.

So, no one made shit up. the said that.

‘WHEREAS, biological differences between the sexes mean that males are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than females

Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers




Now if we could just get a meme of Jaime Sommers kicking some transphobic dude’s ass.

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Can we also talk about this part?

WHEREAS biological differences between the sexes are enduring and may, in some circumstances, warrant the creation of separate social, educational, athletic, or other spaces in order 10 ensure safety and/or to allow members of each sex to succeed and thrive;

Even if (and that’s a big if) we were to take the “protecting kids and women” shit in good faith — this is just a new version of “separate but equal” that can easily be cast into legalized segregation designed to oppress.


Exactly right! This whole notion that us weak and feeble wimmin can’t possible compete with mens, so trans women are some kind of threat is just so out of touch with reality that I can’t fathom how people can believe it. This line of thinking is not driven by science or facts, but by ideology designed to try and put women back under the thumb of men and to eliminate the existence of trans people altogether. But I tell ya… that isn’t good for anyone, not even for the cisgender straight men that adhere to this ideology. It hurts all of us. If they can oppress any one group, then they can oppress ALL groups. They’ll come after cisgender straight men once they’re done with trans people and cisgender women and racial minorities. Very few people will benefit from the world that these sick people hope to create. Humanity can do better, because we can and have dreamed better…


Does this mean if I visit Nebraska I’ll need to bring my birth certificate to go into a public lavatory? Who will be doing the checking of the certificate and my genitals?


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