New Doctor reveal on Sunday

Colin Baker’s first line as a misogynistic, petty alien. What goes around, comes around, I suppose


I know, right? Fiction can be so imperfect. :confused:


In all fairness there was an arc planned for him in subsequent seasons where he was going to lighten up and become less of a jerk. There was a little bit of that with Mel (who is in top 5 worst companions of all time for me). But he got canned before they could develop his Doctor further. Colin Baker is served quite well in Big Finish serials.


Which is the best of the worst kind of companion send off, “I met this guy over the course of the story, now I am leaving the Tardis to marry him”.
As seen in:
-Dalek Invasion of Earth…sort of
-The Myth Makers (26th Century girl leaves the Doctor to live in an ancient time before indoor plumbing was invented)

  • Invasion of Time (Hawt interesting Leela leaves the Doctor for wimpy Galifreyan guard guy instead of the cool savages outside the main city)
  • The end of season retcon of Mindwarp where Peri did not have her brain scooped out by tyrannical alien slugs but really ended up living happily ever after with BRIAN BLESSED!!!
    -Rose ending up with fake Doctor

She got to regenerate, Lala Ward just sort of ended up in another dimension? She shows up in some of the Big Finnish stories as being back on Gallifrey on the time lord’s council.


I agree - many characters (including Peri, whom I didn’t like at all in the beginning but whose character was meant to grow - or maybe Nicola Bryant just said “Enough of this beauty part crap! Give me some soul!”) evolved over their tenure and Colin Baker was meant to learn, as well, and to move forward.

He’s just so good in Big Finish - love his work with Maggie Stables!


She left with the Tharils, a time sensitive race who had members kidnapped and then rescued by The Doctor and Romana, to help them rebuild their society. She recurs in Big Finish in the Gallifrey series as the embattled president trying to drag Gallifrey from its insular existence to engage more with the universe.


Will the new Doctor put up with any of that Cybermansplaining?


There’s a lot of white dudes on TV, but it’s pretty rare to find one that doesn’t carry a gun, and who relies on cleverness and communication rather than testosterone poisoned machismo. I think it’s entirely possible to be upset about having one less good male role model while still being really excited about the new Doctor.

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Not to derail, but this is what I love about Midsommer Murders. :slight_smile:

Carry on!


Yes - Midsommer Murders is an excellent show!

But my frustration was not about the change of role models, it was people who are wailing about “PC” and “feminist take-over” and who generally just hate the thought of a woman taking on this role - having nothing to do with story arcs, or casting or who is the best person for the job, it’s just sheer reactionary bile. After a while, as a woman, I couldn’t read some of those comments anymore. It was like “is this going to be another Ghostbusters?” It’s hard to listen to.

My feeling is that while being concerned about one less good male role model (and I think this is a very valid point, and not one brought up by these pearl-clutchers), we need to try to lobby for MORE good male role models rather than refuse to make a change in a show IMHO could use it. Maybe this could provide more impetus for this.


Can I just pretend that BRIAN BLESSED was the Doctor and was paying a visit from the timeline where he was offered the role instead of Patrick Troughton?


I, for one, welcome our new female Timelords…

And so does the Sixth Doctor…

It doesn’t sadden me that sexist broflakes are apoplectic over it. Their tears are delish. But it does kind of disappoint me that such a sizeable fraction of fellow Whovians turned out to be Swiftian Yahoos.


Aye, and they got a great actress (and writer) for the part. Juliet Landau should definitely join Jodie Whittaker in the new season.




Why not Drusilla!? Spike is already in the whoniverse, so why not her too!


They should really make us casting directors. This is solid gold stuff.


I will admit a soft spot (insert naughty pun here) for Peri stemming from the combination of her wardrobe and going through puberty when those episodes hit American TV.

On a revisit to those episodes years later, I felt bad that her character could never catch a break. (strangled by the doctor, turned into a bird creature, almost pulverized by cybermen, almost turned into a tree, lusted after by disfigured freaks across the universe, nearly eaten, brain extraction…)

That season had one of the more unusual stories of the show, Revelation of the Daleks. The first time the show went for some kind of black humor (although played almost entirely straight).