Would this mean, under your system, that anyone with permanent residency (for example, an H1B visa, diversity visa, or refugee status – all legal statuses) must rent month-to-month, or rent a hotel room, or live out of their car etc.? Or, may I infer that you’re against permanent residency?
Given my previous questions I can’t tell whether (according to you) there is any proper immigration status, other than actual citizenship.
I’d have to second this. I’m feeling rather generous, in assuming that your earlier post was just clumsily expressed.
Your optimism here is wildly misplaced.
You sound like someone who has zero practical experience or knowledge of USCIS or how it works.
There is nothing that legal immigrants go through which is done in a timely or efficient basis. Nor anything which isn’t subject to about 1000 different arbitrary rules poorly interpreted in a way to screw over the immigrant unless they have money for decent representation. Added to that we have an administration which is hell bent on finding reasons to deny visa/legal residency status to people for a bunch of reasons. These are people who deport veterans and their families.