Nikki Haley: Confederate flag meant 'service, sacrifice, heritage' until Dylann Roof 'hijacked' it

The Confederate flag isn’t totally useless.

With a few straps it can be turned into a Jim-Dandy horse diaper.


In 2015, Haley was not ignorant of the history of racism in the US.

“The biggest reason I asked for that flag to come down was I couldn’t look my children in the face and justify it staying there” Haley later told CNN’s Don Lemon. “What I realized now more than ever is people were driving by and they felt hurt and pain. No one should feel pain…My father wears a turban. My mother, at the time, wore a sari. It was hard growing up in South Carolina.”


As always: the core of racism is not about individual ignorance and psychology. It’s about structural power and money.

Haley knows what she’s doing. And she knows that doing it is a reliable route to power in the USA.


At least the horses aren’t fazed by people muttering “What a dick!” as they walk past.

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The argument that the confederate battle flag somehow represents pride in southern heritage is completely obliterated by the fact that it’s now showing up among midwestern and northern white people of a certain type (usually blue collar Trump supporters). I’ve seen it here in central Jersey more than once.




TO BE PEDANTIC ABOUT IT, reconstruction ended in the 1870s when the Republicans sold out their original principles, and we can maybe credit Birth of a Nation for popularizing the battle flag in later eras


Dear Nikki Haley:




It’s, literally, how imperialism works.

Every time.

You need scum who take the shilling.



Actually, I never really understood the Civil War (at least not til the Ken Burns show) mainly because it was framed as a states rights thing throughout.


Confederate flag, “our culture” and “our heritage” all maintain a segregation mindset.


Yes. And worse, a supremacist one (as it begs the question, WHY do you want to be separate?).


Because that’s what god said to do! /s

But seriously, what a horseshit ideology that only makes people less knowledgeable about the world and less happy… if they weren’t so dangerous, I’d really feel sorry for them.


I would argue that a good grounding in biology would help as well as a good grounding in history. Diversity brings health and strength and longevity to a species. White supremacists want a world where everyone looks like this:


But that guy was a king, so clearly superior! /s

Also, he had quite a tragic life, thanks to the Habsburg policy of inbreeding… none of which was his fault.


Here’s a very long thread on how white supremacists created and promoted the so-called Confederate flag, long after the Civil War.


It always seems odd to me that if the South is such an area of racial hatred and intolerance why do more than half of all African Americans live here, with several states having a positive influx.

Uh, did you bother to read what you kinked to? Because the reasons are in the first paragraph:

Since 1965, deindustrialization of cities in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, growth of jobs in the “New South” with lower costs of living, family and kinship ties, and improving racial relations have all acted to attract African Americans to the Southern United States in substantial numbers.

Unfortunately, recent events seem to be reversing that last part, which IMHO is likely to have some pretty severe long-term economic consequences as a consequence if left unchecked.

I am not a visible minority, but I immigrated to a southwestern state instead of a coastal one for many of the reasons on that list, too.

If you are going to attempt to derail a topic, best to read what you link to first. Because you answered your own question.


I read my link, along with most of the others posted. I realize the economic answers, but threads like these seem to make out the South as a toxic cesspool of racist hate. If that was truly the case why would any minority want to live here?

I’m not disputing any of the overall things stated in this thread, but having lived in NC my entire life I can see both sides. I think the Confederate flag should be socially retired at this point. At the same time I know a great deal of people who have pride in what they view as a “Southern” lifestyle or heritage. Even if a new symbol or flag was created to represent that would it just end up receiving the same treatment because it could be viewed as catering to white people?