'NO KNEELING!' — Donald Trump, who couldn't kneel if he tried

A real American hero saving our nation’s honor one beer at a time.

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Maybe a decade ago.


I imagine Trump would have the same problem kneeling that I do; with the extra weight concentrated in front (belly fat) he’d fall forward flat on his face. Kind of a metaphor for his presidency.


We had the opportunity to address this when young healthy athletes were kneeling. We screwed it up, so now the knees of Senators, Representatives, and Presidents must creak in protest.

Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

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Mine surely will - particularly the one that I messed up in a climbing accident about 45 years ago.

I can kneel long enough to get through the required bits of kneeling at a church service, but it would be a lot more comfortable if I could protest by bowing my head respectfully or something. (I’ll even say the same prayer for the President that I say daily: I pray that he will be a wise and benevolent leader and enjoy a peaceful and prosperous administration. So far, when the prayer has been answered, the answer has been, ‘no.’)

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Came here for that. Was going to chime in with something like “by ‘standing up straight and tall,’ do you mean ‘puff out my chest and stick my ass out*?’”

*(You do the hokey-pokey and throw your vertebrae out…)

You could lay down for 8 minutes and have a friend help you back up? Admittedly it is a little more dangerous when police are driving cruisers through crowds of people.

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