Nobody wants a push-button orgasm

i’ll take two buttons please…

…as long as you don’t have to smoke an e-cig after each e-gasm.

I can see them WANTING the thing to be hacked.

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That headline… Do you ever see the results of some Gallup poll where they say “74 percent of Americans oppose new gun control measures” or whatever, and you think, yeah, well, nobody asked ME…


Well … that’s phase 2. Monetisation.

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I’m thinking there are some people who would be willing to pay the 10 facebook credits to make that timer count down a little faster.


Pushstarter maybe

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The problem might be the interface, what about bubble wrap? At times it’s an acceptable substitute… the pushing that is, not the… uh…forget it.

I think we have a winner here.

very likely, i can see it now…

your e-gasm will start automatically in 25 seconds, first you have to sit through this annoying ad that you can’t skip. up side to advertisers is some users will start to associate a link between their product and pleasure rewards.


Suddenly misplacing the remote control doesn’t seem like such a trivial thing to make a big fuss over.


We’ll use the Orgasmatron!


This is not news, the BBC realised that nobody wanted the pushbutton orgasm in 2003 either Is it the same guy complaining that nobody wants his spinal tap in 2014 either?

What’s the function of the TSA in this metaphor?


I’ve read that, in some cultures, a bride’s aunt will hide under the bed on the wedding night to give pointers to the bride. Presumably “no, you’re doing it wrong” or some such. So maybe the TSA… Ah hell I don’t know where I was going with this.


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