Nope, men and women aren’t equally sexualized in comics

Er. Because she says that. Specifically this panel.


Wow. At least you didn’t say “I saw some apparently non-random pixels in various shades of white.”


Not only is german my first language but i am also a dyslexic. Have fun feeling right by making fun of a person with disabilety.

To me you not talking about contend just proves me right. Obviusly you can´t talk about the contend so you try to feel “elite” by talking down to me since i am obviusly stupid and ugly. Kindergarten Logic.

The sentence written on the T&A pages is not actually correct.

Mod note: @anon24181555 and @AcerPlatanoides stop


I … what? I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you arguing that she doesn’t actually feel unwelcome in the store because there’s giant-breasted half-naked women all over the place? Or are you saying that she’s made it all up and none of it happened?


I’m not sure I’m allowed to answer you anymore. Or just the other guy.


IF?! IF it translates into unequal treatment or opportunity for women in the real world? IF???

Now you’re just coming very close to JAQing off.

I’m also not impressed by the “comics ARE the real world because they are made by and consumed by people in the real world” argument because if I create a sexist environment for people with whom I interact I think the blame is fully mine and no percentage of it gets to be placed on the comics I read.

This is not how the world works. Comics do exist in the real world. To argue otherwise is illogical, irrational, and god-damned stupid. Your bordering on word salad, here.

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OMFG. You’re being willfully obtuse.

The sentence written on the T&A pages is not actually correct.

Wimmins be hysterical liars, amiright? You are a man and therefore you understand more about how women are treated in our society.

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No one is making fun of you. You’re just full of shit.


The Sea Lioning is strong with this one.

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I think that’s about right…except about women fighting. They just do it in different ways.

So maybe you can explain what is meant by equal then?

I’ve always been puzzled by how one equalizes people. Good for some, not so good for others.

Is that what what you want?

By your own logic, it says vast amounts about you.

On your last point, Don’t fight other peopes fights. If you want me to have said that to you, pretend if you like, but that is your choice, and your responsibility. You are not the master of my logic, and I am quite sure you missed my point… mainly because it wasn;t about you.

On your first point:

and in general, please try not to demean other commenters you’ve never spoen to before, nor been spoken to by, poorly before.

You might come across as trying to start a shitfest in a controversial thread. or just being another sea lion.

Also, say anythin you like about me! I have a vast field with zero fucks in it. You can have all of them. Speak for me and I’ll say so… what an ass -I- am for that. Yeah. uh huh.


AcerPlatonides* vs DigitalArtform.

* 'cause it’s a cutie unicorn, see?!

#Whoever wins, WE LOSE


This isn’t a Harrison Bergeron thing. Go back at look at that comic (the one with the non-random pixels in various shades of white) again. She wasn’t being treated equally.



I love this thread. I’m having such a groovy time here…


Your example is bad because that character, in the comics, has always been Black.