NYT's horrifying video of hateful Trump rally attendees

That was the first thing that came to mind.
I guess I can agree with Trump in that issue. :slight_smile:

Heyyy. . . watch it, buddy. I been drinking all night, and the Sox fokken lost tonight too!


I also love the respect for the US flag it depicts


As in “did Roman citizens in 475 CE Romulus know that next year was the year.” ? No, likely not. The events of “history” are largely hidden to the first hand observers by the temporal nature of ones initial exposure to said events in chronological order.

Hence hind sight being 20/20 n all that.

The difference now is that, compared to 476 CE, anyone elected to that office…

Now I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds


That’s ridiculous. It would take a ridiculous amount of energy to shatter the world.

We merely possess the technology to kill all live forms on the planet, and sterilize and irradiate the surface.

I mean, sure, we won’t know the difference, but the Earth will keep spinning on happily without us.


Each successive moment can be said to annihilate the previous one. 'Twas ever thus! My life has been but the merest blink - yet, how many countless times have I experienced this universe being destroyed?


That is some nice poetry there. Your own?


I am simply “extemporizing”! XD


I find that fact endlessly reassuring actually.

While I’m sure you’re aware Oppenheimer used the word “destroyer”… which is indeed, more accurate but this historical context I opted for the original translation from sanskrit; “shatterer” which is about how it will feel if the worst comes to pass on 11/9.


We saw something similar in the UK after the Brexit vote. But I’m sure in the US there is alway a good guy with … ah whatever…


As a UK import to The Colonies, I can say with absolute certainty that I fear “Brexit” is a sign of just how possible this outcome really is over here.


I know that the election itself is on Nov 8 (the results will just be officially announced on the 9th), and that there is a 14% chance that any US election will fall on Nov 9…

But damn, does that date look ominous presented that way.


Right?! Creeped me out when I typed it - like there was a sign of some ominous foreboding or something…

ETA: I was thinking of “the day after” the election (aaaand now that I’ve typed it that’s not a good sign either)


I always feel like that, stepping off into the abyss, not expecting the next moment to happen.

Expect the unexpected! It keeps life interesting.


What’s great about this video is that you can take in a good four minutes of hate in only two.

It’s concentrated, so it takes less of it to get the job done.


There is unequivocal evidence that many elections in states that use electronic voting machines have been rigged. Unfortunately he’s just ranting, and not pointing out solutions, like that any machine used needs an indelible paper trail and the ability of the public to audit the code it runs.


Concentrated hate extract. Not exactly my favorite distillate.


The number of them calling for actual lynchings is quite small - so the Republican party has evolved!

No. Already Drumpf has normalized public expressions of racism and general assholery that will continue to impact political discourse and the culture in general. I expect a spike in hate crimes no matter what (although I suspect it would be much worse if he wins).

I think that got put to bed (or at least it should have been) with studies that found that the #1 thing that brought people to Trump was indeed racism. We’ve got hard evidence to back up these racist displays being more than isolated incidents.

Hey, I know for a fact that some of my ancestors would be really pleased to see their descendants enjoying the white privilege that was denied to them. They worked hard to make that happen. (We made it, great great grandmama - we made it! Sniff.)


A few drops under your tongue really gets the bile flowing!


fortunately the colour of one’s skin is not that toxic here*, but I am thankful that I am one of the more privileged members of the society (secure and well-paid job, good education, living in a generally richer region of the country etc). sure, egoistic. but I am not convinced that true altruism exists.

* just to be clear: we have our fair share of racism