Sure. I’m personally happy about it as I am self-employed and have obamacare myself, so I am glad that it seems like it will be there for another year (even though I don’t get the benefit of the subsidies so I am pissed the prices keep going up).
But we can’t notch this off as a win yet, we just didn’t lose today.
I interpreted that as result of the ‘Father-figure Syndrome’ that effects both women and men during times of stress and conflict. Now that tRump has fully revealed himself as King Scumrat to a wider audience…
What cracked me up during the farce of a negotiation process is that every time a reporter asked, “Well, what are you doing about, say, letting young adults stay on their parents’ policies?” The answer was always either:
The states or
Free market
yeah… that’s why we need a federal law guys…because they ain’t doin’ it.
Don’t worry, they’ll do it once they have to, just like homeless people will get jobs once they have to, and sick people will get healthy once they have to, and how big T became more presidential once he had to…wait…
Instead of actually including LGBT people directly in the ACA’s non discrimination statement, they included a statement allowing the Secretary to promulgate additional rules in that area.
I wonder how quickly Trump will try to attack “tax reform” next, and how much of a raw deal it will end up being for anyone at or below the median U.S. income levels.
Given the way health care went down, I’d almost expect any tax reform bill to try to fully bring back debtor’s prisons*, institute a tax on being poor, and give the wealthy a yearly tax refund whether they paid taxes that year or not…
I haven’t seen much mention that the AARP has been running nonstop ads against the plan.
‘You made a choice. You went into the voting booth. You voted for change. But only change that benefits old people!’
Okay, I made up the last line, but the rest of the ad says that. They were furious about how this boosts rates on old people. And GOP congressmen know better than to piss off well organized rich old white voters who turn out religiously, so that may account for at least a few votes.
I would love to see Trump raging at the AARP, it would be glorious - can someone make him aware this was happening?