Odd Stuff (Part 5)

right?! i mean what a
That 70S Show Lol GIF by IFC


Not for nothing but I saw Gary Numan a couple weeks ago as one of the supporting acts for Ministry. I hadn’t really followed his career or anything but goddamn was he good. A lot of the material he did felt very Pretty Hate Machine-esque which I did not have any complaints about. Plus he had a hell of a stage presence. Definitely converted me into a fan.


Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment


So that’s what all the secret squirrel nonsense has been about?!
All they had to do was say that and people would have been supportive and sympathetic. Instead we got PR disaster after disaster.

preventative chemotherapy

I didn’t know that was a thing? I thought it was just used to target cancerous cells. I didn’t think there was any sort of preventative treatment if there were nocancerous cells?

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Preventive chemotherapy is one of the main interventions used by national programmes to control and eliminate five neglected tropical diseases (NTDs): lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiases and trachoma.


You’re right. They’re trying to sugarcoat the situation, which is more of the same nonsense that brought on the doctored photo.


OK, that’s really interesting and something I didn’t know, but here’s my question: what is the likelihood the Princess of Wales is dealing with a tropical disease as opposed to, say, cancer?

When you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras, and all that.



The use of certain drugs or other substances to help lower a person’s risk of developing cancer or keep it from coming back. For example, tamoxifen and raloxifene are drugs that may be used to prevent certain types of breast cancer in women who are at high risk of developing the disease.

Fuck if I know


I’ve read the linked article now, and this is why I think your research is fine but probably not what we’re talking about here:

The princess’s statement explains that when she had abdominal surgery in January, it was not known that there was any cancer.

“However tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,” said the princess.

The surgery would have been either a biopsy (relatively simple) or else taking out an internal tumor or organ with issues, which would have had (biopsy) testing done as part of the process. So technically she’s not lying when she says ‘it was not known’ on the day of the surgery. But the surgery was done because there was a serious concern.

And then, lo-and-behold, the biopsy testing found cancer. Which means the chemo isn’t preventative, it’s treatment. However, it’s true that she might ‘only’ have Stage 1 or Stage 2 cancer, in which case the chemo is to prevent it spreading elsewhere.

Basically, she’s trying to make it seem as innocuous as possible. But the truth is, she has cancer and there’s enough concern that they’re putting her on a course of chemo.

Which makes me wonder if the reason she’s been out of sight for so long might not be because there was some radiation therapy done to lessen the size of any cancer they found that was inoperable because of its location. That would explain a lot.


Capybara snack

[CAPIXINHA E CAPISTEL FAZEM SUCESSO EM CURITIBA! :heart_eyes::scream: (youtube.com)]


Is there capybara in the capybara? :grimacing:


As far as I know, only ground beef or cheese
 The coxinha is made with chicken.


Shaun The Sheep Olympics GIF by Aardman Animations


My wife saw the initial reports of “major abdominal surgery”, and her two simultaneous reactions were:

  1. It’s none of anyone’s business, and
  2. Bet it’s a hysterectomy.

If it was, in fact, a hysterectomy, then we’ll further predict that there were fibroids involved, and that it was in the process of investigating them that the doctors found that they weren’t benign. (“Benign” in the context just means “not cancer that you have to worry about”, and says nothing about how unpleasant the fibroids were of themselves.)

And then we remind ourselves that 1. It’s none of anyone’s business, really.

As a human being, we hope she recovers. Also: fuck cancer.


Mrs. Ficus had the same thoughts a few days ago, back when the whole doctored photo nontroversy was floating around the zeitgeist.


Surgeons pull 30cm long live eel from man’s stomach


He wouldn’t explain how the eel got inside him but doctors believe it entered his anus, slid up his colon, bit through his intestine, and entered his abdomen.

They said they were amazed the eel was still alive when they removed it.




And how did it enter his anus?

hesd first probably


It’s Spargel Season in Germany!