Ms. Brady is a perfect example of why we Can’t Have Nice Things (or be healthy): entitled stupidity.
Her: “It’s a public park.”
Officer: “The city has closed it.”
Her: “Under what authority? It’s public.”
I bet she doesn’t vote either.
Ms. Brady is a perfect example of why we Can’t Have Nice Things (or be healthy): entitled stupidity.
Her: “It’s a public park.”
Officer: “The city has closed it.”
Her: “Under what authority? It’s public.”
I bet she doesn’t vote either.
Presumably under the same authority they used to open it? SMDH
Selfish white cranks endangering society? Members of an organisation with “freedom” in its name? Yeah, there’s that stench of “Koch” all over it.
@anon55735979 - Exactly true and likely the latter. I suppose it’s a wast of time to point out the possibility of losing a loved one…
kovidiot karens, no less.
Yes - if there is anything good to come from this pandemic it will be the rich source material for a Shaun of the Dead 2. Set in the USA.
That also works when trying to cross the southern US border.
Boise, ID.
Hometown checks out.
GAAAaaaah that voice!!!
Catch 'em all!!
Sadly, because Idaho is still in the Dark Ages, all she has to do is claim a religious belief, and will then have absolute immunity against the child abuse charges she deserves.
Boise High, Class of '88. I am SO glad to have escaped Redneckistan!
At this point in my internet career, I can confirm. Massive waste of time.
New plan:
I don’t know if these kinds of people realize it or not, but it’s still early in the pandemic. Right now if you’re healthy and don’t know anyone sick then it seems weird to stay home and avoid crowds. If Idaho were experiencing what NYC was experiencing she might understand the gravity of the situation. Maybe not.
You know that Y’all Qaeda has really gone and done it when the real thing has endorsed a much more cautious approach to avoiding pandemic.
She should have just complied?