"Officer, you don’t want to do that.” — Idaho mom arrested for COVID-19 'Playdate Protest'

I have to wonder about the Venn diagram of conservatives who say, “They should have followed the rules!” [when speaking about brown people] and who are also in these kinds of protests. I’m assuming it’s a circle completely inside a bigger circle.




I wonder about people of any belief system who demand others follow the rules they value, but ignore the ones that get in their way.
Great pic, BTW.


Also, the officer isn’t wearing gloves or a mask, so he probably doesn’t want to be anywhere near this Branch Covidian.


Often we hear about American police committing awful acts of violence against members of the public, but that office was extremely patient.


Her kids are here! Her kids are here? What is going to happen? Who’s got her kids?

I believe SOP these days is to take her children away, lose them in bureaucracy, lock them in filthy cages with abusive keepers indefinitely, deprive them of basic nutrition and hygiene, blame her for endangering her kids by doing something she could be arrested for, and then adopt out her kids to strangers. Or is that just for refugees?


Koch Bro State Policy Network.


With the law? And with common fucking sense? Yes. Don’t see the problem here.


Kylo KaRen?


All cops are bastards

well, she is white…


…how was this particular cop a bastard?


Yeah - that’s like saying ‘all sourdough is good’ or ‘all cats want to murder you in your sleep but don’t know how’. While the latter might prove true, your statement is false and ignorant to some of the good work local law enforcement does in very sensitive areas like young offenders and domestic abuse. Not perfect but nothing is.



She won’t be charged, and others will copy her actions, and also won’t be charged.


In the movie Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore) they had a scene where a woman was choosing to be eaten by her undead boyfriend. She turned to Dellamorte and said “Mind Your Business! I Shall Be Eaten by Whomever I Please!” It was pretty great.


As a background, I’m a New Zealander living in NZ. Watching from the outside, the US’ response to the pandemic is equal parts fascinating and horrifying. It has spoken volumes about the psyche of many Americans. Specifically in this case, the dogmatic sense of entitlement to ‘freedom’ with no understanding of the social responsibilities that come with those freedoms.

We have a certain level of this here in NZ as well with some dickheads who think the rules don’t apply to them, but on the whole most of our society has accepted short term restrictions in our lives for long term positive outcomes.

Why are so many people in the US so militant about ‘freedom’ from the state? It’s weird considering the US is ostensibly Christian. Where is the duty of care to one’s neighbors?


Unpacking this would take roughly forever, but to put it really quickly: We’ve been subjected to a very thorough and devious right-wing marketing campaign for, well, ever. Those susceptible to manipulation fall in really quick, and the conditions their manipulators leave everyone else in creates all sorts of crazy-ass instability and bullshit that some of us try to counteract. Shit is fucked up and stuff.

Oh also; we’re not from the greatest stock. The pilgrims were a bunch of hard right assholes that were told to scram from Europe, not some pious saints on a holy quest.

Edited for clarity and additional grousing.


No joke! And it’s freedom for me, not for you, as other posters have noted. Really it’s just a perversion of the idea of “freedom” to cover for selfishness.

Also, some people are actually dumb. Stupidity isn’t bound by race or socioeconomic status, and I think this is an example of stupidity combined with white, financially-comfortable suburban entitlement/selfishness. See also Ammon Bundy, except that’s stupidity combined with white, rich, rural entitlement/selfishness.

Regarding “ostensibly Christian,” whew…that’s a huge topic. I’d say the US is “ostensibly capitalistic” and everything flows from that true national religion. Many individual people are good at “loving their neighbors” (without any correlation to their religious label or lack thereof), but the US as a country has never been exceptionally good at it.


A source on facebook writes: "She used to work for me a while ago. This person is a terrible human being. This isn’t the first time she has done this. A few years back she already had her kids in a home school co-op, then she called the school and told her she was sending them in without vaccinations. The school said that was fine but she had to sign a form, she refused and sent them anyway.

Then she called the school and told them her kids were there unvaccinated and she wouldn’t sign. So they told her to pick them up. Then, being an attention whore, called all the news outlets and said her kids were getting kicked out of school and her rights were being violated. Complete lie.

She loves to use her kids as props to get attention. Just a really bad person. Also, she was the one who called the cops to get them to show up yesterday. This was staged from the start."

I can’t attest to the last part as there’s no evidence for that but that story about the unvaccinated kids does line up with the news story above.


Thanks to the two of you for your responses. Those answers confirm my suspicions.

I probably should have said “the majority of Americans with religious beliefs appear to be nominally Christian” to be more specific.

I hope that despite your woefully inept and selfish political leaders, the US gets through this with as few deaths as possible and that you replace the ‘orange terror’ with someone better as soon as possible. As we say in NZ, “kia kaha”, meaning ‘stay strong’.