Originally published at: Old Jewish Men want cheap lox and more public restrooms— and they want them now! | Boing Boing
I think that’s what people respond to a lot of with Bernie Sanders and Larry David
Digging deeper into the DGAF attitude that makes the OJM so compelling, at its core is a willingness to state out loud the hard truths that others work strenuously to avoid. I’ve long maintained that Bernie is so popular with young people precisely because he’s that crabby Silent-generation grandpa or great-uncle who’s willing to tell them they’re screwed in a way their parents never would.*
With Larry it translates to uncomfortable laughs – there’s a reason OJMs have had disproportionate success in comedy.
I mean, yeah, no-one likes talking about getting older and having no decent place to take a dump when you’re out and about, but someone should be talking about the disgraceful lack of clean public toilets in the U.S.
[* Mainly because the parents know how much they contributed to said screwing-over, as the OJM will be quick to point out.]
So weird, I literally just met with an older Jewish family friend in NY yesterday who showed me a MAGA-style red hat he made with “Make Brisket $1.99/lb Again!” on it b/c his son-in-law runs a butcher shop.
This is a platform I could get behind of.
Would Boing boing have posted this about another ethnic, racial, or gender group?
Next question?
Boing Boing didn’t call them that… the guys making the tiktoks did… Should they NOT use the name of the group that the group calls themselves?
I’m okay with them saying that old trans woman just want dark chocolate and more safe restrooms. And they want it now!
Kinda an aside, but lox is one of the longest unchanged words in English
If said group is self-parodying as this one is, I’m sure. Look, a simple search turned up precisely that. Do you have a specific complaint?
All of these, to some degree, leverage stereotypes and prejudices to examine or ridicule those who hold such prejudices by rendering them absurd. All are created by people who are members of the ethnic groups being discussed.
The Na’vi people just want to tie their ponytail genitals to anything and everything on Pandora. There, I said it!
OJM is a state of mind that ultimately transcends ethnicity, race or gender. But since you’ve come here to express your deep concern let me serve up some more feedstock for you.
They think Boing Boing is full of woke hypocrites, I’d wager… or anti-semites… or both.
God, that movie…
You’ll be jazzed to know there are four more to come, starting next year!
Yeah, maybe. But I won’t be shocked (or disappointed) if they’re delayed again.
Would you feel better if they called themselves alter cocker yidn? As an OJM myself, I can totally relate to the damand for $3/lb lox.
They’ve got a point about the public restrooms.