Omarosa tapes: She has video, not just audio, reports AP

She’s the type of person Trump would hire.


She recorded audio in the white house and is releasing it to the public (which includes foreign powers).

That’s more the fault of poor security practices in the administration overall.


Security practices which put the responsibility on users to follow process. But I certainly agree that the secret service should have recognized her pen/recorder and taken it off her.

We could trace it back to hiring trustworthy people over those that said nice things about Trump, to start with. This is all a seperate topic though. It’s not why people “dislike” Omarosa, unless you’re just going with Fox news talking points.

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I dunno - a hero dosn’t have to be a perfect person. They don’t even have to be a good person. They just have to do the right thing at the right time.

I think the verdict is still out.


She’s a truly horrible person who happens to be a useful ‘broken clock’ right now.


Because she’s known exactly what kind of person Trump was from the beginning and she still did everything she could to help bring him into power because she thought she’d get to go along for the ride. Before she was fired this is the kind of thing she’d say about him:

She’s not doing the “right” thing. She’s continuing to act out of pure greedy self-interest. She doesn’t give a shit about the country and probably doesn’t care if Trump is ever held accountable for his actions. She’s simply trying to sell more books.

Now it just so happens that in her effort to enrich herself with a tell-all book she may bring harm to Trump, and I’m grateful for that. But not to her, because she’s done nothing to earn anyone’s gratitude.


Ok guys - I’m not trying to mount a crusade for her :slight_smile: Over the past year … especially after learning about how really fucked up some of my favorite artists were (Bowie for example) - I guess I’ve moved onto a point where I don’t care if someone is shitty - I can still appreciate them for what they are doing. There are alot of shitty people around Trump. Most of them are using the ‘aura’ to enrich themselves as fast as possible. She’s the only one that is doing it by throwing mud at the king. That’s a gutsy move no matter who it is, and it’s why all the other ‘tapes’ and evidence we hear about are still buried (waiting to be used as leverage for who knows what).

So yeah - she can be a shitty person - I still appreciate what she’s doing.

I won’t ask anyone else to like her though - promise.


Whatever gets him out, as soon as possible.


So, when she was “working” in the White House, and they were pissed at her as no one seemed to know what her job description was, was she essentially making a reality show about the White House? I mean, her job title was “Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison”, which could well be what you’d call someone who was making a presidential reality show.


I think she’s serving a useful purpose to humanity at the moment, but there’s no signs she actually cared about any of the problems in the White House until she was fired. She was self-serving until she got the boot, and now she’s come out and cast herself as someone who made a moral choice.

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So, her audio recordings are probably not enough to convince anyone of a Trump crime. Her video recording might convince people of a crime… but, given yesterday’s patent expiration, the only possible endgame here is teledildonic recording.

It’s not cool to tease this stuff, assuming it really is noteworthy. If you know something important, (a) don’t just sit on it and (b) definitely don’t whip up hype around it so that the actual revelation becomes a footnote for the opinion pages.

ATM it’s like columnists are spending their whole time softening readers up to not be shocked if they eventually see evidence that ought to shock them. I.e., they’re just gearing up to make it fully official that America is OK with having an unambiguously racist president.


She’s not like your favorite artists, though. Omarosa is famous for being a shitty person. And that’s it. If you overlook that aspect of her there is nothing left to look at.


Again, she isn’t actually doing any of this for the good of the country. She’s very deliberately timing all these revelations to maximize press attention and potential book sales.


I have the sneaky feeling that by now the Secret Service is totally and irrevocably fed up with Spanky & His Cronies and perform their duties on a strict work-to-rule basis. And I wouldn’t blame them for it.


What I really want to know is what the hell kind of a gimcrack outfit is running the Trump White House, that someone like Omarosa can gather this kind of a trove of recordings – and especially video recordings! – without anyone noticing or stopping her.


All this won’t help. I don’t know what would … but this it ain’t. He was found a lier, racist, sexist before - multiple times, on camera. Didn’t help. He is immune, all thanks to the idiocy of his electorate.