Omarosa tapes: She has video, not just audio, reports AP

“The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend”.

This is true.

But they may still be a useful idiot.

As a basic level, she (as a black woman) has a tape of Trump campaign people saying there is absolutely a different tape where the current President uses the n-word from during his campaign to be President. So she knowingly held onto the proof until years later when it would profit her more, after collecting salary from being in his executive staff.

That seems pretty hatable.


She definitely was a Trump enabler. As much as I reserve my strongest opprobrium for him, his enablers are what make President Trump possible. And she was one of them. She definitely doesn’t get a pass now that she’s stabbing him in the back. She’s not doing so to help others. There is no remorse. She’s just Omarosa being Omarosa. But it is somewhat satisfying to watch one narcissistic backstabber go after another. I just wish it had more effect.


It’s the fable of the Frog and the Scorpion With a Pile Of Smaller Scorpions On His Back



You can appreciate the action without appreciating the actor, though. I find that simplifies things.

She’s a reality tv personality who wriggled into a White House job as a means of advancing her career rather than because of any interest in public service. She grotesquely lionized Trump and attacked his critics while allowing herself to be used as human cover for Trump against charges he’s racist. Now she’s revealing that she always knew Trump was terrible and dangerous, but is trying to frame her White House employment as being done in the public interest, even though everything she did actively worked against it, and rather recklessly.


I don’t find it so, really.
I mean, if I did I would watch “reality” TV, wouldn’t I.

But… whatever works.

It’s a test of leadership as old as time. A good leader picks the best people possible to enact their vision. A poor leader picks those who agree with them.

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