On-duty NYPD officers admit handcuffing teenage girl, putting her in van, and having sex with her, but say it wasn't rape

I thought that was the place my mind goes to whenever I finish reading the news and my will to live falters a bit. :slight_smile:


Does this apply to vets? AFAF.


It needs to be said that if these two monsters don’t see institution time, this will happen again.


On more than just this topic.

The devil has enough advocates already; they don’t need any more help.


My brain can’t process this headline.

Somebody admits WHAT :cloud_with_lightning: :brain: :astonished:

NYPD officer :policeman: :exploding_head: :right_anger_bubble:

On duty :clock11: :oncoming_police_car:

OFFICERS, PLURAL :angry: :crazy_face: :confounded:


I’m pretty sure nobody’s trying to minimise this, but rather point out that even if you bend over backwards interpreting this favorably for those fucking pigs, they’re still guilty of a major crime.


I know that. That’s why I didn’t direct my comment at anyone in particular. I know they’re trying to bolster the argument for prosecution. But sometimes we have to cut through the Devil’s advocacy and call spades spades.


I hear you, for sure. “Arguments sake” is a weird phrase to use in this heinous situation, i admit. My main point was that if even a second of any court’s time is spent on the question of whether there was consent here, that alone is a fucking travesty. The idea that this could be anything but rape, that this excuse could even be uttered is beyond insane. If there is even a shadow of an attempt to “explore the victim’s past” to try to make a character case for consent, there are no fucking words.


Hey, not bad; thanks for the link!

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Cops, committing an obvious and heinous crime? Surely this unprecedented event will be met with the harshest punishment- after all, I think everyone agrees that they should be held to the highest possible standards, since they hold so much power and the potential for abuse is obvious. Oh, the victim was a woman? I’m sure people will work even harder to make sure justice is served. The only way things could be more in the victim’s favor is if she’s a minority.

Yes sir, those officers are going to be sorry when they realize they’re not above the law.



yeah, which always seems to be…

paid administrative leave.

(still getting paid but not having to work)

:cry: smdh


i agree 100%. she was under arrest and still cuffed, they were in a position of authority and on duty, there is no possibility of consent, period, full stop, end of discussion.

i don’t imagine that prison will be fun for two rapey cops.


Fuck the Police

Any cop who defends these guys, or belongs to a union that defends them, is part of the problem.


There was NO consent involved. In that same situation where you are restrained and at the mercy of two armed individuals would you not agree to their demands and try to act happy about it in the hope that they don’t kill you out of hand?
I am not afraid to say I’d be fucking terrified and do whatever they wanted.



What’s worse is that it has happened, not that i can prove it, but if the police are doing this now, during a time where the police is already under fire, then surely before they were being slammed, then absolutely this shit had to have been more rampant


Just to clarify facts, not to downplay the horror of this, the girl was 18. Some people here are erroneously saying she was a minor.

From the 1st paragraph of the Times "Two New York City police detectives are under investigation by the Brooklyn district attorney’s office after they were accused of raping an 18-year-old girl while she was in their custody, city officials said."


Ok how should we as society remidy such behaviour? Apart from the obvious stuff like incarceration during the investigation.

I think a deterend could be cameras on the inside of all police vans and an “Always on policy” for bodycams. The minute you are on the clock you are a civil servant and not private person so i think that could be justified.
Failure to have the cams on should carry mandatory minimum sentences.
This way we would atleast have evidence against the perps in uniform.

Maybe an special atorneys office that cant be affected by local election for prosecuting Criminals in the policeforces.

Guys like these two rotten apples have to be weeded out or they spoil the rest of the policeforce. Stuff like this is why the Police is hated and feared by so many people, it taints the whole picture rendering the good and representative conduct of all the good cops mood.